1 | Ponyboy

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Y/b/n is your brothers name

You and Pony were together, on a date. It was dusk, and you just finished a picnic dinner in the park.

He laid down on the blanket, and you snuggled up beside him. "It's so pretty Pony." You tell him. "Thanks for taking me."

"Of course." He said. "I wanted to share my interests with you."

"I know you like to watch by yourself," I grin, thinking about him contemplating the sunset, "so I'm glad I could come."

"I mean you're my girlfriend, we have to show each other what we like right?"

"I mean we don't have too," I told him, "My brother never took his girlfriend to some stupid basketball game."

"And are y/b/n and his girlfriend together anymore?"

"I guess not."

"I brought chocolate-covered strawberries." He says and sits up.

"From Gordon's?" I ask. Gordon's supermarket strawberries were the absolute best.

"Where else?" He answers while rummaging through the basket.

He finds them, opens the package, and feeds one to you. You giggle. They were delicious.

"They're my weakness." I say. He laughs at me while taking a bite of another one.

"Okay, next date we're baking." I said, hinting to my love of food.

"Why? Do you not like the strawberries?"

"No, they're great." I say, "But it's so much more fun to make them yourself."

"To you," he quips.

"Well, you have to cook with me. It's an order."

"Yes captain." He jokes.

"Very funny Horsey."

"I love that nickname." He remarks sarcastically.

"I'm sorry but I love it so much. I just can't let it go."

"Fair enough." He says. "I have to think of one for you."

"No way." I say.

"Yes way." He says.

"No no!" I yell as he inches closer to me. I know he's going to tickle me.

And like a psychic, my prediction was correct. I giggle as he runs his fingers over my tickle spot, right by my ribs. It was my kryptonite, along with the berries.

"Pony ... stop ... Pony!" I scream. I was out of breath.

When he finally stops, I sit up and punch him. "Ow!" He exclaims, "What was that for?"

"I don't like being tickled."

"Well nobody likes being tickled." He says.

"Don't get sassy with my Curtis." I joke.

"I sorry but I love it so much. I just can't let it go." He mocks.

I smile. "Whatever Horsey."

"There's that dreaded nickname again." He said.

I wasn't listening though. I was mesmerized by the oranges and reds and pinks in the sky. I felt Pony's eyes on me, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw him grin.

He pulls you back down and cuddles you, watching the sunset on the perfect, clear night.

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