6 | Johnny

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"Sit down with me Y/N." Johnny tells me, patting the couch next to him. I sigh, setting my work bag on the ground, and join my boyfriend in front of the TV. He pulls me close to him, rubbing my forearm as I rest my head on my shoulder.

I breath in heavily, another stressful week done. "I love the way you hold me Johnny. Throughout the day, I always think about that." He kisses me on my neck, and I shutter under the pressure.

Looking up at him, I do a double take. His eyes were always pretty, but the way the TV light makes them glow looks heavenly, like old-style violins. A smile creeps onto my face. "What?" He confusingly asks, I stop staring at him.

"Nothing." I say. "It's just your eyes are really pretty." My smile was still prevalent looking at him. I'll never forget the way they look right now, they're mesmerizing.

The room we were in was crisp, but Johnny's body made me feel nice. I get warm vibes around him, even if it was below ten. I can hear his heart beat through his shirt, the continued beats soothing to my headache.

"Kiss me." I say randomly. "Kiss me like you love me, the way I love you." He does as he's told, cupping my face and leaning in. My stomach develops butterflies from the pressure of our lips together. This is what love feels like. I'm in love, with Johnny. This is amazing. Uh, I love him so much.

This day has been terrible, I almost exploded into anger. But, when I'm with him, my emotions change. Hate turns to love, stress turns to lust, and headaches disappear. He always brightens my mood, just by being him.

He makes me feel love. This is love. And that's what we told each other.

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