1 | Steve

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"Why not?" Steve asks me. We were sitting in the car after getting dinner. He asked me to drive him to the lot, he wanted to see if the new car that he was driving was nice. He fixed it up himself, so he didn't know if it was actual a smooth ride or did he think it was because he made it. I told him I wouldn't drive it, but I didn't tell him why.

"Because no," I say, "it's a perfect car, you did a great job baby."

"But I'm asking you if you can, for me." He says. He then bats his eyes and gives a puppy-dog smile. "Please?"

"Steve no." I say, hard as nails.

"Why?" He asks again. "It would be great, and I would be thankful. It's not that hard, just do it for me, pretty please."

"Steve," I say, finally coming clean, "I can't drive."

"Wait what?" He asks me. I've never driven, it scares me so much.

"Yeah," I say, "you never notice how I never drive when we're together? Or I ask you or other people to pick me off or drop me off?"

"No, I guess not." He says.

"Yeah, I don't want to drive either." He turns forwards and rubs to steering wheel.

"Let me teach you." He suggests.


"Why not Y/N?"

"Because driving is scary." I tell him. "It sounds terrifying, like my heart's racing just by talking about it."

"It's really not that scary," he says, 'c'mon." The puppy-dog eyes come back.

I sigh, "Fine."

He gets out of the car as I slide into the drivers seat. My heart immediately speeds up even more when I place my hands on the light beige wheel. It's a pretty large car to learn with, I point out in my head. His light blue truck was kinda wide, I don't know how I'm even going to pass people without driving it off the road. This is going to be terrible.

"Okay, put your foot on the brake and put the car in drive." He instructs. He puts his seat belt on, I honestly wonder what's going through his head right now. He's probably strapping in for this wild ride we're about to have, I hope he doesn't think I'm gonna kill him. Oh God, I should stop thinking about this before I actually do kill us. "Okay, now slowly take your foot off the break."

I leisurely take my foot off the break, and then immediately put it back on. We jerk forward. "Sorry."

"No, it's fine." He says. I do it again, and the car starts to move, inch by inch. "There ya go, good."

"This isn't so bad." Why was I so scared?

"Okay Y/N, now pull out of into the street."

I slam on the brake, making us fly forward again. "What? Are you crazy Steve? I don't have a license."

"Baby, there are no cops around here this time at night. You'll be fine." He says, sounding even more crazy to my ears. "Just go to the lot."

"No way, it's too far."

"It's a mile up the road."

"Then why can't we walk?'

"Just drive Y/N, it's not that hard."

"Fine," I scoff, "but you're bailing me out when we get pulled over."

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