1 | Darry

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I turn on the hot water and let it run into the bathtub. I had a hard day, and I needed to relax. I knew this would be the best way to de-stress from another day at the office. It was finally Friday, thank God.

I was watching the water, making sure it doesn't overflow, when Darry came home from work. I heard him drop his stuff, take off his shoes, and go into the kitchen.

After the tub was filled with steaming water and I lit a candle, I undressed and got in. It felt so good, and the smell makes me feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Darry came into the bathroom. "Hey Y/N, what are you doing?"

He bends down to my level and I kiss him and hug him. He's the only one I wanted to see right now. "I'm going to take a bath. You wanna come in?"

"Sure." He says. He undresses from his dirty work clothes and climbs in. I push forwards so he could get situated in the tub. I then moved to sit in between his legs. I laid back onto his chest.

We just listened to each other breathe for a while. Just being close to my boyfriend makes my heart skip a beat.

Darry finally breaks the silence. "Why'd you want to take a bath Y/N?"

I sigh, the terrible work memories flooding back. "I had a bad day at work."

"Tell me what happened."

"Well, I told William about my idea for new phones, and I found a distributed with phones for kings. I pitched it to my boss, and he said no, it's too expensive. I didn't think anything of it. Then, William took my idea and pitched it to my boss again, and he said yes! Can you believe it? And then he praised William for the 'best idea in a while' and he was like, 'this is a man of the future, be like him.' It really ticks me off, ya know?"

"Mmmhhmmm," Darry answers.

"Are you even listening to me?" I ask, turning towards him.

"Yes of course babe." Somehow, I don't believe him. I glare at him. "Okay, I wasn't listening the whole time."

"Darry!" I start to get out of the bathtub, annoyed.

"Wait come back." He says, "I was just thinking about how beautiful you are. I'm sorry baby." I reluctantly get back in.

He starts to play with my hair in the bun it was in. "I'm sorry about work."

"It's okay, stuff like this happens all the time."

"It shouldn't happen, it's not okay." He rubs my arm.

"I can't help what's not equal in the world. I know it's not the same, I learned that harsh reality when I was first put into work. It's wrong, but it's the custom."

"That's not right."

I lean back again, "I know honey."

He starts to kiss my neck, wanting something to happen. "Darry I'm not in the mood."

"Are ... you ... sure?" He says between kisses.

"Yeah, stop." I tell him. He moves down my arm, he's knows it's my weakness.

I quickly turn towards him and kiss him on the lips. He's so damn handsome.

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