4 | Steve

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"Get down from there!" Steve yells up to me. I was climbing a tree I used to climb as a kid, and now I was all the way to the top of the short oak. It had very easy footholds and places to latch onto, but Steve's still worried.

"No way!" I shout back. Nostalgia is more important than safety right now.

"I'm going to call the police." He was using absolutely every way to get me down from the tree. Just let me have fun! I thought.

"Go ahead, I'll fight them!" I joke. He smiles from the ground.

He left, finally leaving me alone. I looked around the crazy branches filled with evergreen colored leaves. I loved this tree when I was young, I would always have climbing races. Not to brag, but I won every time. I remember all the twists and turns of the wood. All the tea parties I had with my stuffed animals in here. All the different times I've played house with my friends in this tree. Pointing out where the living room, dining room, and bedroom were in my imagination makes me grin. I recall how many times Dad would threaten to come up and get me from up here for dinner. I would never want to come down. I had so many good times in this tree.

I now notice he came back, holding something on a light blue plate. He hollers, "I have cookies!"

I couldn't resist cookies. I carefully climb down my tree and grab two chocolate chip from the plate. I stare at him, he took me away from my childhood memories. I get he was worried, but I'm not stupid enough to fall off the thing.

As we walk back inside the house, I tell him, "I would have totally fought them."

He smiles at my comment. "I know you would."

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