5 | Pregnancy | Darry

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"You're extremely sweet honey, but just please come home." I tell Darry over the phone. It was Friday night, and my cravings are coming all at once, every chocolaty thing in the world, and ice cream of course. Every Friday night Darry calls the house to see what he can get me from the store. But, it has been a long, tiring week for him, his two jobs working him overtime. I just wanted him to come home and relax with me. It's better than all the junk food in the universe.

I've been folding laundry for another twenty minutes, four people in a house wear a lot of clothes. I bask in the silence of the house, I asked all the boys not to come home until later. I wanted some alone time with Darry, we haven't had some in a long time.

I finally hear Darry come in, and close the door behind him. I don't go to greet him, I wanted to finish folding. I hear his heavy footsteps creak as he joins me in the dining room. "Hey baby." He says, pecking me on the cheek.

I turn to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I look into his tired eyes and say, "You're not going to kiss me?"

We touch lips, me initiating it. "Darry, you ought to stop working so much." I warn him, frowning. "You're going to be so tired when the baby comes."

He ignores my comment. "I brought home some ice cream and chocolate, and dinner for me to cook."

"Darry!" I tried to sound made but, internally, I was so grateful. "I thought I told you not to bring anything." I pause, getting worried for him. "Darry, I'm worried you work too much."

"I don't."

"Yes you do, you're always working. It's not good." I explain to him. "Here, let's forget about dinner, I know you and I both don't want to cook. We can order a pizza, if you want. And I can't eat all of this ice cream and chocolate by myself."

"You're right." He says, smiling. He yawns, proving my point. He then embraces me, touching my butt. I squeal, but grin at him.

"How's the baby?" He asks, pulling me away from him to look at my very noticeable bump.

"It would be better if it had some ice cream," I joke, "let's go."

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