5 | Pregnancy | Johnny

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Johnny and I were cuddling on the couch, watching TV. It was a Saturday afternoon, the sun beating into the living room, leaving a sort of annoying glare on the screen. But, it was bearable when you were with the love of your life. You loved each other that you were expecting a baby in six months. He moved his hand to the side of my stomach, resting it comfortably.

I was perfectly fine until I started to feel something pound on my skin. It kind of hurt, so I put my hand on the spot that was in pain. I passed Johnny's hand on the way, so he said, "What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing." I tell him. "Just a little pain on my stomach, that's all. Kind of like cramps, but it's a little weird." I sit up from the laying postilion, maybe it would help. I had been feel butterflies recently, I just guessed it was because of the new hormones from the pregnancy. These were butterflies multiplied by ten at least, what could they possible be?

Johnny looks at me worriedly. "Are you sure your okay?"

"Yeah." I tell him, inhaling slightly. Then I remembered something. It might be possible. "Wait Johnny, I think the baby might be kicking."


"Yeah," I tell him, checking to make sure. It had to be, "it is." You laugh a little bit, and smile at him.

"Come feel." I instruct, grabbing his hand and gingerly placing it on the mistaken spot of pain.

He sits there for a minute, with his palm on my stomach. I look at him, he looks a little shocked. He then smiles, the excitement he wore could have been seen from a mile away. He kisses me on the forehead, and then laughs a little bit. We had similar reactions.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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