1 | Sodapop

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Y/n was sitting on the couch of the Curtis home, holding a letter. It was from Sodapop, her boyfriend, of course. It was an old letter, one from three months ago, but just holding it in her hands made her feel like Soda was here with her. Like she wasn't as lonely as she was without him.

She pulled the letter out of the ripped envelope, and read the part she always read, "Great news, they told me I can come home in the summer. I'll see you then my love. Sodapop Curtis"

It's summer now, June actually. In a later letter, he said his coming home date is July 15. That's in three weeks. Only three more weeks she has to wait for her knight in shining armor to come home. She was counting down the days.

"Oh hey y/n," Pony says to you, snaping you out of your Soda daze.

"Hey Pony. What are you doing today?" I ask him. He was smiling, weirdly. I shook it off, nothing was weird.

"I was just goin' to the movies." Pony told me, "Do you wanna come?"

"No I don't want to intrude," I tell him, "I know you like to go by yourself."

"No no, I want you to come." He says.

"Well okay then," I say, "Let me get some clothes on."

I run upstairs to get some better clothes on, she couldn't go out wearing Soda's flannel and sweatpants.

Before throwing them on the floor, you smelled them. It still smelled like the man you miss dearly. You quickly got dressed, washed your face, and put on some mascara. You smiled at Pony when you ran back to the living room, grabbed your Converse, and walked out the door.

After a few minutes of silence, Pony finally spoke, "So how are you?"

"I'm fine." I knew what he meant, who he meant. "How have you been holding up?"

"Terrible in the beginning, then it got better."

"Yeah," Silence, "Ya know Pony, I still feel him sometimes?"

"Me too," He says, "When I see his clothes or smell him, and especially when I open the fridge for chocolate milk."

"Yeah me too." That was the our drink, the three of us.

"Wait Pony, weren't we supposed to turn there?" I ask him. We kept walking straight, if we were going to the movies we had to turn left. The only thing that was straight ahead was the park.

"Yeah, let's go to the park and hang out instead."

"Okay," I say. "I don't care what we do. I like being with you Pony."

"Me too." He turns to smile at me.

Once we made it to the park, he put his hands over my eyes, "I lied, I have a surprise for you."

"Uh I hate surprises." I complain, "What is it?"

"Wait, wait, wait..." He says, holding out his words, "... Now."

I open my eyes and almost collapse. It was Soda, standing right in front of me, holding a bouquet of flowers and some chocolates.

"Surprise." He says.

I couldn't move my fear. I was paralyzed with shock, he was here. He came back, and it was for me. I started to bawl. My feet finally worked again, so I ran to him. He drops the flowers and chocolates as I leap into his godly arms.

He picks me up and spins me around, not losing any of the grip I had when I first hugged him. I breathed in his scent, his wonderful scent. I honestly couldn't describe it, but I know it when it hits me. He sets me down.

"Hi babe," He says when I'm on the ground. It was the first thing he said in what seems like a million years, but that million years I just spent hugging my boyfriend was paradise.

I start to tear up again at the sight of his movie-star good looks. Man was he handsome. "Hi handsome." I say and kiss him. I would be surprised if Pony didn't see the sparks flying in mid-air. Actually, it was like Pony wasn't even there, the whole world wasn't there. When you were kissing your love, everything stopped for you. "I thought July 15."

"I wanted to surprise you." He says, "I know you hate surprises."

"Not this one." Another tear falls down my face, "This is the best surprise in the history of surprises."

"Are you sure?" He jokes. Uh, his smile could replace the sun. "That's a lot to live up to."

"Positive." You picked up the things thrown on the floor earlier, "Orange and lavender roses, my favorite." You couldn't help but grin at the gesture.

"I know, and I got your favorite chocolates."

"Thank you babe" You whisper, pecking Soda. "I really missed you."

"Me too, me too." You kiss him again, butterflies form in your stomach from it. When you finished, you put your hands on his shoulders as he rested his on your hips.

"I love you Sodapop Curtis."

"I love you too y/n y/l/n."

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