7 | Johnny

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Running out of my boyfriend's, now ex-boyfriend's, house in hysterics. He just admitted to cheating on me, with someone I considered as a friend. Not anymore. It was on my birthday too, how terrible.

Not knowing where I was going when I left, my feet brought me to the vacant lot. There wasn't usually people there, which is why I subconsciously came here. I don't want to talk to anyone, just like I have felt every other time I was sad.

After a while of pacing around the park, getting my anger out in my stomps, I plopped down on the fountain and cried again. How could he do this to me? How could he cheat on me, with my friend? How could--

My thought were interrupted by someone calling my name, "Y/N?"

Quickly wiping the new tears spewing from my eyes, I look up at the voice. "Oh, hey Johnny."

Johnny and I haven't been friends for that long, I just met him a month or two ago. I really liked him from the start though. He was sweet, compassionate and kind, plus he was extremely handsome. But, I was dating someone.

Now that I'm thinking about it, my ex did say something about Johnny. He told he that he cheated because he thought I was cheating on him, with Johnny. That was absurd, there is no way in hell he likes me. Plus, thinking someone else is cheating on you gives you no right to go cheat on them. ESPECIALLY when it wasn't true.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, sitting down and tenderly touching my shoulder.

"Nothing." I tell him, sniffing.

"It's not nothing. You're crying."

I laugh slightly, "it's stupid. You don't want to hear about my problems."

"I'm askin', aren't I?" He stares at me, his eyes shouting at me to tell him what the matter was.

"Well my boyfriend just told me he cheated on me, with a friend of mine, on my birthday. Can you believe it?" I ask him, sniffling again. His expression changes from a sympathetic one to his normal face. "You know why he told me he did it, because he thought I was cheating on him with you. Isn't that crazy Johnny?"

He looked at me contemptibly, "No, it's not crazy to me. Y/N, I've had a crush on you since I first laid eyes on you."

I blush sheepishly, I guess he did feel the same way that I did. He grabs my face with both hands, pressing his lips hardly against mine. And I feel a sensation of tingles travel down my skin.

Maybe something will come out of this.

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