5 | Pregnancy | Two-Bit

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I run on the sidewalk, my eyes stung with tears. I was running to my boyfriend house. After I told my parents I'm pregnant, they kicked me out. I grabbed a bag, and am now running to Two-Bit's house.

My parents didn't get that Two-Bit and I are in love. When I told him, he was extremely happy and wanted to raise the baby together. It didn't matter what they thought though, I am eighteen.

It was the dead of night on a Friday, I hope he's home. I knock on his window, it was shut because of the cold air. I hit it a few times, trying to get his attention. I almost gave up when he opens the window behind me. "Y/N?" I turn to him, showing him that I was still crying. "Hold on."

He walks away from the window, leaving me out in the dark. Wow, I'm pregnant and I just got kicked out. What am I going to do? I turn to the sudden sound of him unlocking and opening the front door. I walk in quickly.

He closes the door before he hugs me. It's stupid that I'm crying about this, I should be mad. I don't understand why I'm letting them get to me. He cradles my head, kissing my cheek. He then pulls me from out of his embrace.

"Y/N, listen to me." I look at him, his eyes showed compassion. He tilts my head to be looking at him. "You can stay here as long as you need. I want you to know that I will support you through this, and that I'm extremely excited for the baby."

I grab his face and push my lips passionately against him. Why couldn't my parents be as supportive as him? He was the best, "I love you Two."

"I love you too. And hey," he says, wiping a fresh tear and smiling at me, "don't cry anymore. I don't like to see you sad."

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