5 | Pregnancy | Sodapop

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Sodapop and I were in the doctor's office, anxiously waiting. We had found out I was pregnant seven months ago, and that was one of the best days of my life. I will always remember the look of sheer excitement and happiness in Soda's eyes as he spinned me around and kissed me. All I've ever wanted was kids, and to be having one three years into our marriage was such a blessing.

But, the was a horrible reason we were here. I had been having terrible rib pain the past week, and I'm not sure what it's from. Some of the days, I couldn't even move from the couch it was so bad. Soda stayed home two days of this week to help me, but I told him to go, reminding him that we needed the money for the baby. For the rest of the week, Pony and Johnny have been helping during the day (it's summer vacation), and then the other boys at night. I could tell Soda's a nervous wreck about this, and honestly, so am I.

Soda saw my worried look, and grabbed my hand. He kisses my cheek and whispers, "Everything is going to be fine Y/N."

I don't know if I believe him. I was about to answer when the doctor calls us in. Soda grabs my hands and helps me up, it takes all my strength not to cry out in pain. My husband smiles at me, and guides me to the room.


"After the tests we have run," our doctor says, "we have found that there is no major problem to the fetus.

I let out a breath of relief, thank God. "So what's been giving her pain?" Soda asks nervously.

"Um, the fetus' foot in caught between some of the ribs." the doctor sits down on the spinny chair in the room. It just looks awkward now: I was laying down, the doctor was sitting, and Soda said he's too anxious to sit. "We can try to coax it to get it's foot out, but it might be painful"

"Please." I beg. I want to get back to my regular life, not having to worry about this pain after today.

He stands up on the side of me opposite of Soda and lifts up my gown, folding it to expose my rib cage. "Right here is the pain?" He asks, pressing on a spot.

I yelp slightly. "Yes." I squeezed Soda's hand at the pain, and he grips back.

The doctor then pushes on it from the top, to get the foot to move down. The pain was severe, but not intolerable like it has been these past few days.

After a few minutes of pressure on my ribs, it felt as if a huge weight was lifted off my chest. "There, it's gone. Do you feel anything?"

"No." I say and smile.

"That's fantastic. You are all set to go." He says. I start to get up when the doctor looks at the file and says, "Would you like to know the gender of the baby?"

That came out of nowhere. I look at Soda, telling him I'd like to know with my eyes. He shrugs his shoulders and says, "Sure."

"Congratulations! It's a boy." He says. He smiles and says goodbye, leaving us in the room to out my clothes back on and leave.

I stand up and look at my husband, he was smiling ear to ear. His eyes teared up. "A son? I'm going to have a son?"

"Yeah Soda, we're going to have a son." I say, laughing at this huge revalation.

He hugs me tightly, still grinning brightly. He then puts his hand on my stomach, and bends down. "Hey, little buddy. This is your father. I love you, and I can't wait to play catch with you and do other boy stuff."

I was crying at his words. Soda was so sweet. I engulf him in a hug again. This pregnancy just became so much more real. We were going to have a son!

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