2 | Johnny

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Johnny and I were inside the Curtis household, almost alone. Ponyboy had gone up to bed a half an hour ago, and the rest of the gang were either out or sleeping. But not Johnny and I.

It was storming, really bad. I wanted to make my way home, it was getting late, but the storm was too bad to walk home, or even drive in. So, we were stuck here. That's not such a bad thing.

The TV shut off a few minutes ago, so I put on an old record that Mr. and Mrs. Curtis had laying around the house. I nuzzled back up into Johnny while the soothing music played.


"Yeah baby?"

"Did you talk to your folks?"

"Yeah," I told him, "they said it's best that we should stay here. The roads are closed and I don't want to be soaked walking home. I told my mom that Darry would be fine with me stayin' here overnight, and she said okay."

"Okay," he says, "my parents don't really care. They wouldn't care if I were dead on the street somewhere."

"Johnny, don't you say that. Listen to me," I pick myself up and look into those big, beautiful dark eyes, "I'd care if you were dead on the street. We'd all care. Johnny, I couldn't get along without ya. You're my glue, hell, your the gang's glue. Now, stop talkin' so bad about yourself. It hurts me."

"I don't want to hurt ya Y/N."

"I know ya don't," I tell him, "and you never will again if you stop talkin' bad about yourself."

"Ya know you're great right?" He asks me as I cuddle back up into him.

"Yeah, I've been told." I joke. He snorts.

"I'm serious Y/N," he says, making swirls with his finger on my upper arm, "you're so amazing. You're the only reason I haven't run away to anywhere but here. I couldn't leave something as good as you baby."

"Thanks Johnny."

"I told myself I was going to be more honest," he says, "I'm just telling ya the truth."

"You're smooth, Cade."

"I love you Y/N."

"I know. I love you too." I relax back into him while the music plays. We just listen to each other breathe while he still makes the swirls on my arm.

Some couples always go and do things, they drain the boys' money and then they break up. Not us. We didn't need much, we just needed to be near each other. Johnny and I could survive through anything, I realize. He was there for me when my grandma died, and I was there for him every time he was beat or he needed a place to stay. Mom always welcomed him in, saying how much she loved him. She knew I love him too, she said she could always tell. Anytime I think of him, I smile to myself. Sometimes, I can't describe the way I feel, it's like I need to scream or punch a wall or something crazy like that. The butterflies never cease when I'm near him. I sincerely hope he feels the same about me.

Thunderstorms, as crazy as it sounds, puts me to sleep real easily. So, that's what happened. I dozed off while in Johnny's warm, comforting arms.

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