3 | Insecure | Darry

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Y/E/C is your eye color

I was standing in the bathroom, looking in the mirror. Nobody was home right now, Darry should be home soon though. I'm examining my face, how round it is. I've always hated it, it makes me look heavy. Why was I cursed with these ugly cheeks?

"What are you doing?" Darry asks, making me jump.

"Darry," I ask, turning to him, "is my face too round?"

"Why would you ask me that?"

"Just answer." I press.

"Think of it this way Y/N," Darry says, "you're cheeks make Y/E/C shine more brightly."

"Darry." I sigh, and start to push past him. Out of the bathroom.

He stops me. "What?"

"I hate my face. It's ugly." I tell him.

He puts his arms along my shoulders. "It is not ugly.

"Yeah it is, I'm ugly."

"Don't you ever say that Y/N. You are the most beautiful girl in the world." He tells me. He grins at me, what a handsome grin. "Now, stop doubting that your not the best girl ever. You are perfect and I love you."

I look down, not believing him. He picks my head up with his fingers and pus his lips to mine. We sit like that for a few minutes, he makes me feel warm and tingly. "I can't believe that you don't realize that you are gorgeous. I'm taken back by you sometimes, especially when you smile."

"Thank you Darry."

"It's not like it's some chore to point our your beauty Y/N," he tells me, "it should be told to you all the time. You should never feel insignificant, that means I haven't been doing my job as your boyfriend right."

"Darry, you're the perfect boyfriend." I say. "You always cheer me up, my heart speeds up just thinking about ya, I honestly couldn't ask for someone better than you."

We kiss again, sparks flying. "How did I get someone as great as you?" I ask him.

"I'm starting to wonder the same thing." I smile and kiss him.

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