2 | Dally

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"You wanna smoke?" Dally asks me. He went outside for a cigarette break, and I followed him. I wasn't really looking to smoke, I just wanted to be alone with him. That doesn't happen much when we're together.

I never smoked before in my life, I don't know what to expect. "Uh sure." I say uneasily. I hope he didn't catch that.

He started to cigarette off, putting it in his mouth and lighting the end. He breaths in, holds it for a minute, and then breaths out puff of white smoke. He looks so hot doing it. I subconsciously realize that that was why I followed him out here.

He hands the cancer stick to me and smiles. I take it and reluctantly put it in my mouth. It won't be that bad, I tell myself as I breathed in the tobacco. It was fine for a few seconds, then I coughed like a maniac.

"Y/N, have you ever smoked before?" He asks in a fit of laughter.

"No," I say while still coughing. He laughs while I cough for a good minute. "Uh, why do you even bother with that thing? It's so gross."

I make a disgusted face as Dally chuckles again. "It makes you look tuff."

"Yeah well it's gross." He laughs again. "Will ya stop laughing at me!"

He smiles at me. "Why would you smoke with me if you didn't want me to laugh when you cough?"

"Because I wanted to be 'tuff'" I put air quotes around the last word.

"Well, tuff ain't a good look on you." He says and laughs again. I blush. When he notices I was embarrassed, he gave me a side hug and kissed my forehead. "Ya know I'm just jokin' with ya."

"Yeah, yeah." I say, moving so I wasn't facing him.

"You aren't really that mad, are ya Y/N?" He asks me.

"No I guess not." I say. I chuckle lightly. "I did set myself up for that one didn't I."

He laughs with me. "Yeah, ya did."

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