Chapter 6: Join Forces

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·Grace's POV·

I'm seeing Archer in less than ten minutes and I still don't have a solution to our problem. I've been trying to work something out for almost half a day.

Before I realize it, it's time to go.

I make my way to St. George with that same initial thought in my mind.

As I was entering the correctional's entrance, I noticed Archer sitting under a tree, looking up to the sky. The view was totally breathtaking. His light brown eyes darkened, as if they were representing the intensity of the night. His lean figure rested against the old oak, deep in thought.

As I approached him, I said:

"For the moon never beams..."

"Without bringing me dreams." He cut me, finally looking at me.

"You know it?"

"Edgar Allan Poe, my all time favorite."

"I guess we have something in common then." I commented with a tender smile. I'm not going to lie, I'm quite impressed by his literary knowledge. He already told me that he reads, but I didn't expect him to recite excerpts learnt by heart.

"It's nice out here, isn't it? Many people don't appreciate the beauty of the night. The intimacy behind it. Instead, they fear it, wishing for the day to come. Afraid of difference, just like it's always been and always will be."

"Not everyone is scared of it. I once heard the sentence: 'I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night'. We need to embrace that difference between light and darkness. Once we do, we will be able to enjoy the beautiful little things the night has to offer."

Archer didn't make a sound while looking at me. He just placed a rebel strand of hair behind my ear, his touch lingering there for a moment. The movement was so intimate, it made my cheeks turn to a reddish shade.

"Archer, I have something to tell you."

"I'm all ears." He answered me, out of his daze.

"My mom's planning on surprising me by inviting my friends over to my grandfather's. I'm looking for options, so it doesn't interfere with our meetings."

"Not that it's going to be easy, but we can make it work. Maybe you can come here early in the morning instead of at night. I know you don't usually sleep well and you end up waking up around six. That way, you would make profit out of those hours and I wouldn't be this concerned about you coming here all by yourself at night. It's a win-win."

"I see you wouldn't put your only partner in crime at risk."

"What can I say? I need you."

I shouldn't overthink that sentence. He needs me for answers, nothing else.

"We will make this work." I repeated what he said earlier, trying to convince myself.

"That, I can assure you."

I breathed heavily and mimicked his posture, against the oak. We stayed like that, looking at the night sky and stealing glances here and there. This is the night when it all changes. I should start admitting that anything will never be the same again. My destiny and his are intertwined, as cheesy as it may sound. He knows it too, I can notice it. There's something about him. The way he puts on a brave face around me when I know the truth. Archer's just as scared as I am. We don't know whether we'll find answers or if this detective stunt we are trying to pull off will pay off.
His memories in regards to his death are all a huge blur. There's this weight  on top of his shoulders he's desperately trying to get rid of. I understand. I've been there too and I still am. Not that my case is more important than his, by any means.
I feel the need to help him, and I know it's going to get me in so much trouble.

Being around him is like approaching fire. It's bright and warm from the distance, making you feel at home. But once you're close enough to touch it, those feelings are overpowered by danger. If you lose yourself around it, you'll get burned.


A.N: Archer always has a solution, doesn't he? Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. I meant it to be a more intimate encounter between both of them before all the mystery starts. See you in chapter 7!

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