Chapter 31: Heaven In Hiding

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·Grace's POV·

I was starting to wake up when I noticed the pillow's hardness. Everything that happened tonight is a complete blur. What I can remember is Archer hurrying here when I screamed and trying to calm me down. After that, I began to feel sleepy again, not being conscious enough to know what was happening before I nodded off.

Why is this pillow so damn hard?

I opened my eyes and by my side, there he was. Archer looked at me innocently, smiling like a little child.

"Good morning." He said after a couple of seconds.

I returned to my side of the bed, leaving a minimum amount of space between him and I. It didn't last though, Archer had other plans for me. He took my forearms and pulled me towards him, positioning me on top. Staring deeply into my eyes and putting a strand of my hair behind my ear leaving his hand on my face, he finally asked:

"How are you feeling?"

"Well, I'm pretty comfortable, thanks for that." I joked and he laughed it off.

"Now seriously, are you feeling alright?"

"Why wouldn't I? I'm used to the nightmares."

What surprises me and won't tell him though is that I didn't get any more nightmares tonight. Maybe I felt safe while sleeping next to Archer. I feel stronger when he's around, that's for sure. If resting with Archer by my side is what it takes for me to get rid of the bad dreams, bring it on. I won't complain.

"Thanks for staying with me, it means a lot."

"You seemed peaceful when I laid down with you. I didn't want to leave you alone again. Talking about tonight's event, do you remember telling me-?"

My mobile phone started to rang from my bag.

"Wait, let me see who it is. I'll be right back."

I got out of bed, jumping over him. When I looked at the screen, I discovered it was Katie who was calling me.

"Hey, what's up?"

"What's up?! WHAT'S UP?! You got us all worried Grace! Your parents are in the police station, Toli and I are freaking out and Roland and Isaac are looking for you everywhere in town."

"What about Scott?"

"There's no trace of him. It's like the earth has swallowed him whole."

Why is it that it doesn't surprise me?

"Katie, listen to me okay? If you see Scott, don't approach him, don't even talk to him. He's the reason why I had to run away."


"Remember the conversation I had with Toli and you about my fight with Archer? He was listening to every word. After that, Scott distorted all the information, making me look like a freak. He even fed my parents all the lies. Now they want to send me to an asylum."

"So he was the one who painted your locker and spread all the rumors. What I don't get is why would he do that."

"I rejected him. He told me he loved me and I couldn't say it back. It would be a lie after all. It's not him who I am in love with." I briefly looked at Archer, hoping he heard the last part. Sadly, he was reading the synopsis of a book I have brought with me, not listening to the conversation.

"It's Archer, we know it. Scott was acting like a major pain in the ass lately, at least I know why now. But hear me out. Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. I know you tend to press yourself too much."

I sighed. "I'll try to."

"Where are you by the way? I swear I won't tell a soul, not even your parents. It's obvious you need to stay away for a bit."

"You can tell all of this to Toli, she should be aware of it. No one else. I'm staying at St. George for a while, so if you need anything, just call me."

"Will do Gracie. Take care, I can't lose you."

Katie is always putting on a brave face for the world to see. However, sometimes, she can't take it anymore. This is one of those times. I can picture her trying very hard not to shed a tear or two at this very moment, thinking about the worst that could happen to me.

"You won't, I promise. This will end in a blink of an eye, just wait and see. You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not."

"Wouldn't want it any other way. I should hang up now. If not, people will get suspicious."

"Okay, talk to Toli about this. Love you both."

"Love you too Grace. Happy birthday, by the way. Bye."

It's true, today is March 19th. I completely forgot about my own birthday with all that's been going on. I'm eighteen now.

"Is it your birthday?" Archer wondered.

Oh, so he hasn't heard the love part but he did hear that.

"Yeah, happy birthday to me, I guess."

"Happy birthday love."

He hugged me and I returned the gesture. Freaking finally! He's calling me love again. I didn't imagine that that pet name would mean so much to me, seriously.

"I've just discovered today you turn eighteen, but I may have something for you."

"You don't have to, really. It's fine, even I forgot about it."

Shaking his head at me, he extended his arm and opened the first drawer of his nightstand. Archer then took out a blue velvet jewelry box of it and showed it to me.

"This belonged to my mother and I want you to have it."

He opened the box and what I saw took my breath away. It was a beautiful old necklace. A silver chain with a flower pendant. Said flower was made out of sapphire in the middle with diamond petals coming out of it.

I noticed I have stopped breathing for a few seconds.

"I can't have it, Archer. It looks too expensive and personal."

"Nonsense. This is my birthday gift and I want you to have it. It is meaningful. It belongs around your neck."

"Okay then."

I took a hold of my hair and Archer did the honors.

"Thank you so much, it is breathtaking. Literally."

"You're welcome. It does look stunning, but not as much as its new owner."

"Oh, shut up!"


A.N: Another day, another chapter. High school has just started today. Consequently, I don't know if I'll post as regularly as I usually do. I won't leave the book incomplete, I promise you that.

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