Chapter 7: Better Together

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·Grace's POV·

The night went by without even noticing it. Archer led me to the entrance and we said our farewells. After walking a few meters, I turned around and saw him still staring. He smiled at my action and I copied the gesture. The difference between him and all the guys who have showed a minimal interest in me is noticeable. Archer is a lovely mystery waiting to be solved by the right person, whereas the other teens are just cut from the same cloth: plain, boring jerks.

There are always exceptions, for instance, my highschool friends: Scott, Roland and Isaac. Roland Kingston is an artsy boy, always lost inside his sketchbook and clothes dirty with paint. His notorious copper curls and hazel eyes are his identification marks. He's silent most of the time, but we love him anyway. Such the cinnamon roll. Then, we have Isaac Harris, a black boy with a fierce look. He's never afraid to speak his mind and tell anyone the truth. That's why he wasn't scared to come out of the closet. I still remember how he came clean to us: "Guys, I have something to tell you. I'm gay. I know it might be surprising for most of you and.. Don't Roland, don't give me that look. Just because I came out doesn't mean I like you, for God's sake. And you, Toli, wipe the fake-shock off your face. I think it's pretty clear that the three of you girls saw this coming".

I still laugh at the memory, he's too blunt for his own good.

And finally, Scott Reed, the school's Golden Boy. Dirty blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, quarterback of the school's football team and the kindest heart you'll ever find. He is any girl's ideal boy and any guy's idol. Despite the Golden Boy's radiant smiles, we know better. He lost his mom at the sweet age of 7, turning his dad into an alcoholic and poor excuse of a man. Scott was almost raised by himself and nowadays, he tries to make his way through high school while having two part time jobs in order to pay all the bills.

I miss them. I'm so looking forward to see them in four weeks, even if it means to start another school year.

However, I have other problems in mind right now, way more important than that.


I woke up before seven, as usual. I laid there for God knows how long wishing to go back to sleep. A complete waste of time.

One thing surprised me at around half past eleven. I could hear various females faintly talking downstairs. Then, it hit me.

Katie and Toli!

I rushed to where they were, wanting to greet them.

Surprised face in 3, 2, 1...

"Guys! What are you doing here?!"

"Surprise!" They shouted. Katie winked, not being able to suppress a knowing look.

"Oh honey, did we wake you up?" My mum asked.

"Not at all, I was just tidying up when I heard you."

"Great then. I'm heading to the supermarket. You girls, catch up. Any request for tonight's dinner?"

"Barbecue sounds good to me."

"Barbecue it is then, see you in 2 hours!"

We waited until she closed the door behind her.

"How much time are you staying?"

"We just arrived and you want us gone by now? Jeez Grace, you are such a sweetheart." Katie replied, sarcastically.

"Hey! I didn't mean it like that."

"Originally, we were planning on staying with you for a week." It was Toli's turn to respond.

"I talked to my grandpa yesterday and asked him if I could stay till the end of summer. He wouldn't mind if you two joined me."

"So that's why you asked! I never doubted you for a second, Gracie!"

"Of course you didn't Kitty Kat."


"What have you been up to these days?" Toli asked with an inquiring look before Katie loses it.

"Pff, what do you mean by that?"

She doesn't suspect anything, does she?

"I mean, this place doesn't look that entertaining. You must've been hella bored. Does this place even have WiFi?"

I sighed in relief. It's not like I won't tell them... But it's too soon. They'll think I'm crazy if I tell them I've been meeting the boy from my nightmare. Let along telling them that said boy is a freaking ghost.

Although it's neccessary, it is going to be hard to hide this information and the meetings from them. Let's hope they don't ever wake up before ten in the morning.


A.N: They are here! Now the novel is officially starting. You'll meet the three new characters real soon, but for now let's enjoy the end of Grace's summer.

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