13) Clyde Donovan X Reader

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Teenage Dirt bag

{Clyde's POV}

There she was. Sitting in the front row with her asshole brother. Their mom wanted him out for the day and requested it off forever ago, she wanted him to be there for his sister when she preformed for the talent show. She did a song, and for me, she could could put an angel to shame with her beautiful voice.

I sighed, she was like a goddess to me. Her (H/l) (H/c) hair framed her face perfectly, her sparkling (e/c) orbs could easily outshine those bright stage lights. About a week ago I asked my friends if they would help me out with this.

Token, was the drummer. Tweek, rocked out on the guitar. Jimmy, was playing bass. Craig, my best friend, agreed to do backup vocals for me.

I was going to do my own version of 'Teenage Dirt bag', basing the back music off the cover by Heroes for Hire.

"And now, for your entertainment, Clyde Donovan and his band, Clyde's Confession!" Wendy said, professionally.

The name was suggested by Token, who said to make it kinda obvious that I was confessing to (Y/n) Boyett. The guys went ahead, getting set up and in place. I nervously made my way onto the stage, looking at (Y/n) before taking a deep breath and walking towards the mic.

I waved to the crowd, seeing (Y/n) wave back, giggling. "H-Hey! I'm Clyde Donovan and this is Clyde's Confession. We'll be doing a cover of Teenage Dirt bag!"

{(Y/n)'s POV}

I sat, looking up at Clyde. God I was so into him, but Trent won't let me talk to him. I rolled my eyes, I hated Trent.

Token started playing the beat on his purple drum set, Tweek following shortly after with his guitar and Jimmy joining in at the same time.

Bold: Clyde
Underlined- Craig
Both- Both the guys
Italics- Your special part, reader.}

"Her name is (Y/n)
I have a dream about her
She rings my bell
I got gym class in half an hour.
Oh, how she rocks,
In vans and tube socks

But she doesn't know who I am,
And she doesn't give a damn about me."
Clyde started to sing, his voice making me blush and smile.

" 'Cause I'm just a teenage dirt bag, baby
Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirt bad, baby
Listen to New Found Glory, baby
With you"
Craig joined in on the chorus, causing the audience to stand up like it was an actual concert, I jumped up, dancing with the crowd.

"Her brother's a dick
He brings a knife to school
And he'd simply kick
My ass if he knew the truth"
I watched Craig flip my brother off, smiling and waving at me.

I smiled, waving back.

"He lives on my block
He drives and I rock"
They sang together.

"But he doesn't know who I am,
And he doesn't give a damn about me."

I laughed when he winked at me, making Trent roll his eyes and cross his arms over his stupid chest.

" 'Cause I'm just a teenage dirt bag, baby
Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirt bag, baby
Listen to New Found Glory, baby
With you"
Clyde sang, looking at me and dancing to the amazing music him and his friends were producing.

"Oh yeah, dirt bag, no she doesn't know what she's missin'
Oh yeah, dirt bag, no she doesn't know what she's missin' "

"Man, I feel like mold,
It's prom night and I am lonely.
Lo and behold,
She's walkin' over to me"

Clyde sang, making eye contact with me. His voice lowered, a lot of emotion behind his words. Craig had to tap him with his foot to get him to continue.

"This must be fake
My lips start to shake,
How does she know who I am
And why does she give a damn about me?"

I watched Craig pull out two concert tickets and signal me to come onto the stage, I smiled, about to walk up there until my brother grabbed me. I turned around punching him in the nose and running onto the stage, grabbing the tickets and walking towards Clyde.

"I've got two tickets to New Found Glory, baby
Come with me Friday, don't say 'maybe'
I'm just a teenage dirt bag baby,
Like you."
I sang to Clyde, a smile on my happy face.

Clyde smiled, pulling me towards him and wrapping his arm around my body.

"Oh yeah, dirt bag, no she doesn't know what she's missin'
Oh yeah, dirt bag, no she doesn't know what she's missin' "

The crowd lost their minds when Clyde sealed the deal, kissing me passionately while slipping his hands in my shorts back pocket.

{Clyde's POV; Time skip}

I kissed (Y/n) as deeply as I could when we were waiting for results on the talent show. "I love you, I love our constant back and forth teasing and flirting. Please, god please, end my suffering and just agree to be with me forever." I begged.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me just as deeply. "Always, my taco loving everything."

"Hey you fucking bitch!" Trent yelled, coming towards us.

Craig stood before us, making sure he couldn't bother us. "And the winner is.... Clyde's Confession, for best performance! Get out here you guys! You deserve this!"

We ended up making it big after that, (Y/n) touring by my side. Just like she promised.

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