17) David Rodriguez x Reader

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Our Beautiful Moment

"For the last time! My name is NOT David, you fat stupid fucker!"

I looked over at my best friend, the stud himself. I sighed walking up to him. "D! Tomemos una respiración profunda, ¿sí?"

{David's POV}

I liked when she spoke Spanish to me, especially in front of Cartman. It would always freak him out. Plus.. Let's be honest.. It was kinda hot. I blushed a little before looking back at the fat fuck in front of me.

"No puedo golpearlo una vez?" I asked her, eyeing him and crossing my arms.

She laughed. Dios mío That laugh, the one anyone would fall in love with if they heard it enough.

"No David, you can't. Let's just go home, I'll make something for us to eat."

She always pronounced my name right, and I loved hearing it roll off her tongue. Ever since Kyle introduced us when we were eight, I've thought she was a gift from God. She won't let Cartman pick on me, she tells people the right way to pronounce my name or telling them to call me D. She was my voice of reason.

I smiled at her, holding my hand out for her to take it. She blushed, smiling at me while placing her soft hand in mine. I flipped Eric off and we walked out of the school to her house. Her parents were never home, so they had asked my parents if I would like to stay with her so she wasn't alone. I've pretty much lived with her since we were ten. It was sad that before I came around she was on her own.

We had finally made it to the house, I walked ahead. "Eager?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "Just wanted to be sweet and open the door for you, (Name)."

She smiled. "You're such a sweetheart."

I stuck my tongue out at her, finally getting the door unlocked. When ever (Name) talked to me, I made sure all my attention was on her. I could be trying to untie ropes around my legs in a hostage situation and she could say something to me and I would stop instantly to see what she said.

I loved (Name), more than any other girl in this whole universe. More than my own mother. I held the door open, smiling as she walked past me. Her (favorite scent) perfume filled my nostrils and I smiled more. "You smell pretty."

She giggled, sitting her bag on the couch before taking off her hoodie and beanie. "Thanks D, it's a new perfume I wanted to try."

"It's nice." I blushed, smiling again. "It adds to your beauty."

She blushed a deep red, walking into the kitchen. I sat down on the couch, holding my face in embarrassment. Around her, I could never seem to flirt the way I think it out in my head. I so desperately wanted (Name) to know that I loved her to the moon and back, but I was scared to just tell her.

"Ow! Shit!" She yelled, the sound of running water right after.

I jumped from the couch, running into the kitchen and grabbing her wrist. "What happened?!"

Panic was all over my face, and she just laughed. I blushed, looking at her. "I was just cutting hotdogs and I accidentally got my finger. I'm okay!"

I sighed, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into my chest. "You scared me half to death, I'll cut them."

She rested her chin on my chest, smiling at me. "You're so cute, David. I love you to pieces."

I opened my eyes, looking directly at her before kissing her sweetly. "I love you too, (Name)."

{Time skip}

I looked at my daughter, smiling brightly at me. "So you and mama have been together since you were kids?"

(Name) laughed, handing me a glass of soda. "That's right Lucille. It was a beautiful moment."

I smiled at her, giving her a sweet kiss before taking Lucy up to bed.

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