26A) Craig Tucker x Reader x Kenny McCormick

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"I Can't Help Falling In Love With You"

Entry #1 Oct. 24th, 2018.

Recently in my little Colorado home with Craig, we've had a friend stay over for a few days. He was having some lady troubles and needed a place to stay. We welcomed him in with open arms, me more excited than Craig. I loved Kenny, with all of my heart.

Kenny was my best friend, almost closer than him and Craig. He was there for me when I needed someone, he liked to ride around with me, sing songs with me, and we always play video games together. Wether they're mobile or on Craig's Xbox One X, our favorite is fortnite.

In the short time he's been staying with us, his lady said it was done. But he doesn't care anymore, this wasn't the first the first time she had done this. I understood exactly how he feels. In the two years Craig and I have been together, only six months have been good of it. We always fight, he hates my family, calls me names, talks about me when I'm not around and he's mad at me, he gets mad at me for nothing or needing comfort. The last time I cried around Craig, he told me to shut the fuck up and grow up. I was truly miserable in the relationship I was in, and I desperately wanted out badly.

With Kenny going through the same thing, I feel like we've bonded so much more, but what I can't understand is why when we're in his car riding and hanging out, he playfully taps me for no reason. I've never been a religious person, not once in my twenty years of living, but I recently prayed on my knees bawling and begging God for a sign. I truly hope and feel with all my heart that Kenny, he's my sign.

I truly hope with my heart and soul that he'll fall in love with me and we can run away together. Get away from our bullshit lives and live ours together.

Entry #2 Oct. 25th, 2018

Today Craig kept calling me from work, mostly to cuss me out and call me names. I apparently pissed him off because I didn't ask him if I could leave and I didn't tell him I was leaving. I want to leave him so badly but I don't want to be hurt so... I guess I'll put up with it. I was with my mom too! Whoo boy, was she pissed.

"I hate seeing you go from happy and smiling to crying and depressed because of him, (Name)."

"I do too, it sucks." Kenny chimed in after.

I pulled my hood up and cried, not because what Craig had said hurt me, but because I was hurting more than ever over falling in love with Kenny and him wanting me happy. On the ride back to my house he talked and joked and sang until I laughed and smiled and joined him.

"I love you (N/Name), I want you to smile."

"You know Craig is a fuckin' spaghetti butt licker, you can't listen to him. Shocka loo!"

I laughed a little on that one, and he smiled so big. After that he sang a cute song that came on the radio until I joined in with him. I couldn't help but smile.

Entry #3 Oct. 26th, 2018

Last night I had a dream, me and Kenny went on a secret late night ride to the middle of no where to look at the stars together. After a few minutes I got cold and he pulled me closer to him, saying we can get in the car if this didn't help me warm up. I blushed and nodded my head.

My cold cheeks had warm, wet streams coming down them. The harsh, chilly wind blowing against my face, causing the water to become frigid and freeze up my skin. I wiped them away, a sniffle coming from my nose.

"(Name)? Are you okay?"

"Oh God no. Kenny I feel terrible... Fucking horrible!"

"What is it?"

"I think it might just be one sided but I think I'm falling in love with you. When you touch me, my skin gets warm. When you sing love songs, I feel like you're singing them to me. You make me happy, and I haven't been happy in such a long ass time. It's killing me that I don't feel bad about Craig being my fiancee. I don't know if I love him anymore, he's supposed to love and protect me, not hurt me. I'm sorry, and I get if you don't want to hang out with me anymore after this."

He pulled my cold face towards his, his chapped and cold lips pressed against mine.

"I feel like I'm falling in love with you too, (Name)."

I woke up later from that nap after it became very R rated (and for a different journal entry in the future) and almost cried. I couldn't believe I was falling in love with my fiancee's best friend.

Entry #4 Oct. 27th, 2018

Oh dear God, today we sat in his car and he played this dumb country love song and the whole time I knew I was blushing. I just couldn't help it, his piercing blue eyes were starring into my hopeful (e/c) eyes, his kissable lips were smiling at me, and his eyebrows were wiggling. It's like he wanted me to watch him sing, almost as if he was singing it about me.

Later tonight he's going to a party.. I know it's for him to get wasted and have drunken sex. Why does it hurt my feelings? I'm not his girlfriend.. although, I wouldn't mind it..

He's younger than me, eighteen to be exact. I feel so old compared to him, but he makes me feel young and beautiful.

If I could go back in time and tell my younger self not to worry, and to never try and confess to Craig because of how horrible it would be, I would. I would say; "Wait until the credit recovery school, meet Kenny. He'll help you with Math, he'll also be the one who makes you happy. Go for him, but be cool with it, he's going through it when you meet him. He'll be in a bad place."

(I have to stop writing on this, it's getting a little too... Something. Cliff hanger though, expect part 2)

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