22A) Kenny McCormick x Reader

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These Damn McCormick Boys

You giggled, running away from the pissed off old man with the McCormick boys. Kevin and Kenny. You smiled brighter when Kenny grabbed your smaller hand, running towards the woods with Kevin close behind. "(Name) You did great!" Kenny said muffled through his hood, lifting you off the dirty ground and twirling you around, he slipped and fell with you still in his arms, as a scream ripped through your lips.

{(Name)'s POV}

"K-Kenny!" I gasped, sitting up and grabbing his hood to pull it off. "A-Are you okay? I'm so sorry that you fell because of me!"

He smiled, a sweet smile on his face. I pushed his messy blond hair out of his face, looking at me. "It wasn't your fault (Name), I'm fine! I kinda skinned my knee though.."

I looked up at Kevin, who cleared his throat. I realized what it looked like. "A-Ah! I am s-s-s-so sorry!" I squealed, rushing off Kenny's lap.

I blushed a deep red, sitting under a tree with my face in my knees. Kevin chuckled. "Looks like you two were kissin'!" He smiled.

"I-I w-wasn't kissing K-Kenny!" I shouted through my knees, although it came out muffled.

"Quit teasing (Name) Kevin!" Kenny barked, sitting up.

The knee to his camo pants were torn, his knee bleeding a little. I crawled towards him, getting a bandage from my pocket. "I'm sorry you got hurt Kenny.." I mumbled, putting the band-aid on his knee.

He smiled softly at me, his blond hair sticking up in some places. "It's okay, but you should kiss it better!"

My whole face turned red, I leaned towards his knee. After taking my time, I softly kissed his knee. I could feel the heat from my face bounce off his leg and back to me.

"I-I'll see you guys tomorrow! Bye Kevin! Bye Kenny!" I yelled, running home.

{Kenny's POV}

I sighed. "She always gets so flustered."

I watched her run, her long (h/c) locks flowing wildly behind her. I reached out, wishing she would come back because I was reaching for her. "Ken, she's already halfway home."

I looked at Kevin, sighing again. "Why are girls so complicated?"

"Well, she's only being complicated because she likes you dumbass!"

I smiled slightly, pulling my hood back up. "When are you gonna fess up to her bitch boy?" Kevin asked me, leaning towards me.

"I'll tell her when I'm ready! Get off my back, it's not like I'm really worried about girls anyways! I'm 10!"

He laughed, rubbing the top of my hood. "Let's go home."

We stood from the dirt, walking towards our crappy house. I cringed at the sight. "Hey Kenny!"

I turned my head, seeing (Name) running up to me.

"Kenny look out!" Kevin yelled panicked as (Name) screamed.

I looked down at my mangled body, sighing. I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow. I floated away, stopping when I heard (Name) screaming for me to come back. I looked at her, seeing Kevin rub her back as tears streamed down her flushed face. I floated towards her, sitting on my knees next to her.

"Please come back to me.. I don't want to.. please don't leave me Kenny.." she pulled my hood off, resting her forehead on mine, tears landing on my cheeks.

"I love you so much.." she whispered.

{Sooooooo part one yes? Hope you enjoyed it!}

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