12B) Christophe DeLorne x reader

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The love game (2)

"What am I gonna do?"


I stayed in the bathroom for a majority of lunch before washing the fallen tears and proceeding back.

"What 'appened, my little flower?"

"Just felt sick, had to throw up."

He sat closer, pulling me into his side and kissing the top of my head. I sighed, regretting starting this stupid game.

"Ef you want, I can take you 'ome, ma chérie." He said sweetly.

"Please, I'm going to check myself out and tell someone you're driving me home."

Gregory stood to help me, but I quickly told him I didn't need any help and that I was fine. I quickly left, leaving my friends in shock.

{Christophe's POV}

"What ze 'ell?" I asked, shock still on my normally emotionless face.

"She really is.." Gregory mumbled, almost under his breath.

"Do you know zomezing I don't?" I asked him, almost in an aggressive way.

Why am I acting so strangely? It's only (Y/n)! I've known her since the resistance., if she hadn't had went with that stupid, fat asshole, I would be dead.

"Lately.. I 'ave been... zinking weirdly about (Y/n).. I zink.. I am regretting playing zis stupid game!"

I looked at Gregory, reading over what he had just written.

'zis fucking guy..' I scolded in my head.

"I am zeriously trying to talk to you, beetch." I said, a burning feeling in my cheeks.

"I know, but I am following my orders."

Before I could say anything else, I got called to the nurses office to take (Y/n) home. I stood up, grabbing my bag ans slinging it over my shoulder, leaving the cafeteria.

I walked slowly, trying to get my head on straight about (Y/n).

"What ze 'ell am I going to do?! Sheet, Zis is bullsheet!"

When I was angry, it was almost impossible to understand what I'm saying. After (Y/n) started hanging around me, she learned how to. No one had ever cared enough to learn.

"I really zink zat I am falling for her.. zis is really bad. Sheet!"

I made it to the almost empty nurses office, coming to a complete stop outside in the hallway. (Y/n) was in there, singing something softly to herself. She was mumbling the words, and singing the parts she knew. I lightly chuckled, she always did that when she was learning a new song. She would play it on repeat until she knew every word. Her determination to learn music like that was always something I admired.

I smiled, a single thought running through my head.

'Zat's so cute'

I walked around the corner, watching her look up and take her black skull candies out of her ears. "Hey." She replied quietly.

"What was zat song? Zomezing new?" I sat beside her, watching her nod and tuck a strand of her (H/c) locks behind her ear.

"Yeah, you took forever so I started scrolling through songs on YouTube. I was thinking of singing for the talent show, but.. this is a duet."

"Oh." Was all I could say. "Well.. I am your boyfriend, I could sing with you. If you want me to."

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