42A) Clyde Donovan x Reader

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An Exception

(Name) was an average teen with a hint of badass queen, and that just shook Clyde to the core. He often found himself trying to be bad to get her attention, only for her to cover her mouth and snort at him. It only made his heart soar higher for the shorter female.

"(Name)! Are you ready for tonight?" Her friend Katria asked her.

"Hell yeah bitch, ya girl was born ready." (Name) said excitedly in a cool manner, doing a quick dance and smiling.

Clyde watched as they walked away, defeat on his sweet face. "She's so fucking hard to talk to, why is she so fucking hard to talk to?!"

He groaned, lazily throwing himself around. With out any attention he ended up throwing himself in the trash. "I deserve to be here. This is my home now."

He sounded so pathetic and sad. Craig walked around the corner, a smirk on his face. "I would agree, but, I've been telling you for ages."

Clyde sighed, reaching his hand out for help out of the bin. Craig gripped his hand and yanked him up with ease, laughter leaving his throat. "You dip, you're so sad. Just actually use your fucking words, idiot."

"Ugh, I guess I have no option." Clyde replied, dusting paper bits and various other gross trash dust off himself. "I will at lunch...."

As if on cue the bell rang, signalling for lunch period. "Next year." Clyde said in a panic, running off.

*(Name)'s POV*

I watched Clyde run off from the classroom door, I laughed again. He was a total dweeb but I was completely into it. A little known fact about ya girl here, I'm completely into the biggest dweeb I've ever witnessed. Clyde Donovan was a sweet hearted, airhead jock boy. I walked into the cafeteria and headed towards my usual spot alone. This was the time I used to draw or write little tidbits I'd never share with anyone. I sat down, plopping my back pack onto the table and pulling out my pencil and notebook. I smiled when I saw all the doodles of a chibi Clyde scattered around little messages and notes. I turned the page, doodling myself as a chibi too. I had my earbuds in, playing my current favorite artist. Post Malone sang in my ear, sick beats and catchy lyrics filling my brain.

After a few moments of shading the little drawings a tray plopped down in front of me. I looked up, pulling an earbud out and smiling at Clyde. "Hey dweeb, what's up?" I asked closing my notebook.

He smiled, taking a bite of his food. I leaned forward and stole a few fries. "Hungry?"

I laughed, nodding my head and shrugging. "A little, just enough for me to steal fries from a cute guy."

His face turned a deep red. "W-Well, I'm happy a beautiful girl is interested in my fries then."

I grinned, enjoying some more fries. "What brings you to the table?" I asked, drumming up small talk.

"I wanted to tell you, that... I'm not a bad guy, I'm a total dork but I'm super into you and I wanted to tell you that we might not know each other super good but I really think you're something special and I wanna ask you on a date tomorrow night." He said quickly, taking a deep breath when he was done.

For a moment I sat there, wide eyed and slightly lost. "H-Hang on a second and let me try to understand what you just rushed out of your mouth."

I sat in silence for a moment, admiring his strong features on his delicate face. He had soft freckles that littered his nose and some on his cheeks. "If you asked me on a date the answer is a definite yes. I'm totally into you too and I know you're a dweeb but you're an exception."

He smiled brightly, taking off his varsity jacket and putting it on my shoulders. "Great! I'll pick you up for the date this Thursday at... uhh... siiiii-five. I'll be there at five."

I giggled, nodding my head and putting my arms through the sleeves.

Man, was I smart to make that exception..

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