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"How was it?" My mother asked, she turned from the wheel and looked at me by rolling down the driver window of her red ford. "It was rather interesting." I knew that she'd ask one hundred questions.

The cool late night air seem to make me even more uneasy. "You must be finished that assignment by now." I tossed my book bag into the back seat and I could hear the pens clatter. I opened up the front door and threw myself into the front seat, longing to forget this night for even just a moment.

Every time I could hear him scream, I could picture his face so vividly.

I frowned. "Mum there's quite a lot of work. I didn't get very far. I've gotten down his key family members and some key information. I can't trace it back that far though. There isn't many good sources for research. I thought the museum would be better. I might ask dad to do some digging in the archives."

"Oh, okay then sweetie. I'm here to help although i was never very good at school."

I smiled, "Well I must of inherited it from Dad."

Mum seemed to have flinched or something, her face was sour, like she had bitten a lemon.  "I don't think so sweetie..."

« « » »

I blinked fast, since I was still tired from last night and none of the dreams came. I slept well, even though I only got seven hours sleep.

Nick had walked with his friends to school, I had a best friend named Carlie, but she was always looking after her younger sisters and it was rare for her to come over. I only needed her, I hated being around a lot of people. And to only make things harder Carlie was often late to everything.

We were opposites. I was blond haired too, mine would never be pretty it was such a dirty colour, and with boring brown eyes, I was a boring person. I was nothing compared to her... She never thought about herself, she put others first. I admired her because her parents were still in love and married. Her family was so close knitted. She didn't have to handle anything I had to handle, never had those terrible thoughts... She didn't have to grow up fast, she could take her time and be a kid.

I longed for my family to be together. I envied her.

I decided to give myself a pep talk, "Don't drown yourself in self pity, Fey." I blinked the tears away. I wasn't happy. I wanted to get good grades so Dad would notice me. Everything was about Nicky, it was good because he needed Dad so badly. Don was blurring Dad's image on Nick and I hated it.

Everything I tried it wasn't working. Tears stung my eyes again, I blinked letting a cheeky one slide. I wiped it away quickly.

A kind old lady with white-silver hair looked at me with concern but I managed to muster a half smile.

Nobody would see me cry, I couldn't be seen a weak and fragile, and then I stopped for a moment, sighed and walked to school like nothing had happened. Things will get better, only in time.

I put on a brave face and raced to school.

« « » »

I often got home before everyone else, still feeling the cold I decided to raid the fridge. Knowing that mum didn't shop until tomorrow I knew I was doomed with aching hunger . I thought for a moment and had the best idea. I would make a hot chocolate.

I had just finished stirring in the cocoa in the mug I've had since I was six, the one with a princess and a pick ball gown. I knew when Nick appeared he was clearly upset about something, Don gave me a confused look but I gapped at Don.

𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐎𝐇'𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐁 ── AHKMENRAHOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz