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I waited on the front steps for dad after school, it brought me back to the old glory days when he still used to work at the only place in the world that felt like a real home to me.

Dad finally stepped out of his black vehicle, talking to his driver for a few moments before racing up the steps to greet me.

"How was school Fey?" My father asked a little too enthusiastically. I frowned, pulling my bag with me as I stood up to give my dad a quick hug. I was now growing a little impatient to see Ahk and everyone now.

"It was boring," I deadpanned with a roll of my brown eyes. "But you say that every single time!" Dad complains as I almost walk into the glass of the revolving doors but somehow manage to save myself. I smile back at my father, "Nothing changes."

I followed my Dad quickly, my backpack whipping my back as I walked. "Oh no." Panic set through me as soon as I saw the renovation signs. This couldn't be good.

Dr. McPhee folded his arms over his chest. "Hello. Excuse me. Unauthorised personal. Oh it's our very own Mr success story, and his history loving teenage daughter. Come for one of your astound tours, I haven't seen you in months Mr. Daley."

When I had finally stood still in the museum, when I saw those wooden boxes containing my friends, I panicked. These people were my family, I would do anything to protect them and seeing them like this I felt incredibly helpless knowing that I couldn't do anything.

"Yeah, I've been busy." My dad quickly replied. I rolled my eyes gently.

"Dr. McPhee what's happening I was only gone a week." It was clear even to myself that I was panicking, you could hear it as clear as gold in my voice. Since my dad had left Dr McPhee was somehow kind enough to let me stay after hours, although I don't know why or how he trusted me enough.

"Progress, Ancient Egyptian history lover. Well, that's what they tell me, Freya. The future! Behold—," Dr McPhee put down his brief case and strolled over to what I am guessing a prototype. "The Museum of Natural History version 2.0." Dr McPhee leant down to press a button on the hexagon shaped weird thing and a humming sound brought it to life.

The sound of galloping horses filled my ear drums and I quickly searched by brain of who it could be and then I realised of course, it was Teddy.

Teddy was mounted on his horse, Texas as he fiddled with his reins. "Welcome to the Museum of Natural History; where history comes to life. Step up ask your question, then let the next little boy or girl have their turn." I let a soft whisper escape my lips. I knew what was happening they were replacing the odd exhibits with these new technologies.

Dr McPhee turned to my dad as my father shifted his footing. "Okay. Um. Where were you born?"

The electronically Teddy spoke right away. "Right here in New York City on 20th street, October 27th the year of our lord 1858—," suddenly all the words were fast forward and I realised that Dr McPhee was pressing buttons again then it turned of.

"History, History. Learning, learning. Changing America one child at a time." Then he shrugged his shoulders and walked towards his leather brief case.

Then before I could speak Dad had already spoke up. "So you're adding new stuff?"

"Not adding, Mr Daley. Replacing the old exhibits." I bit my lip, this was far, far worse than I expected. It was like watching Ahk die a hundred times over.

𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐎𝐇'𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐁 ── AHKMENRAHWhere stories live. Discover now