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"Why do you look so upset?" Nick asked with worry in his eyes. It pained me because he hardly ever got to be a kid anymore.

"Sorry, I just had one of those visions. It was just sad that's all." I try to shove Nick off but it wasn't working. Nick wrapped his arms around my waist, slowly he hugged me tighter. I push Nick off and glance at him, he should honestly worry about his homework. "Don't crush my bones, Nicky!"

He sighed, "It's supposed to make you better! You love my hugs!" I sigh, giving Nick a quick hug. These were the mere moments in my life that I hated, I hated that my brother was able to see through the layers of my shield.

"I'm fine, no need to worry." I say drawing out the words. I bit on my lip to stop myself from crying. I hated crying, it made me feel weak at times.

Nick stares up at me, "Freya. It's gonna be okay." Nick had always had a soothing voice.

I smile sadly, my eyes meeting Nick's."I know. Some things just take time. Too much time."

I close my eyes and I could see the blood on Ahkmenrah's hands, as he weeps for his love. I take a breath, "Ugh. I'll be back, I just need to clear my thoughts."

I end up winding down the halls passing the exhibits quickly. I smile kindly at the small family that looked like three were from the witch ages, the seventeen hundreds I think? The little blond girl jumps ahead of her parents in a fit of giggles.

I follow the silent halls, I could hear the song September by earth, wind and fire. I move quickly up the steps, once I reached the top, I pant heavily. I should honestly try and get fitter.

I push open the access door and greet the cool air. I walk over the ledge and lean my arms against the cool concrete railing. I hum gently to myself as I watch the traffic below me.

I could feel the tears brimming my eyes, I blink stubbornly and wipe them away with the back of my hand.

Why would something like this happen to me anyway? What made me so important, this wasn't something that was normal? Why was I having these visions?! I was just kid for crying out loud!

As more questions filled my mind, I felt the world sink away, slowly fading into darkness.

I closed my eyes and bowed at my middle aged ruler, King Merenkahre. He walked down the steps of his throne and met me at the bottom.

My eyes met with the Pharaoh who nodded, "Ramla, I feel that you know the dangers that are coming to this great kingdom."

I licked my lips. I bowed my head once again, "Yes my king. I am aware of the dangers coming." The Pharaoh clutched his side as he coughed, his body rattling with pain.

My ruler stood up straighter, as he paced the throne room. "Very good guardian Ramla. I fear my time as king is coming to an end."

I blinked in surprise at his words, folding my hands gently behind my back. "My king, I ask permission to speak." The king's eyes widened, I assumed that he was surprised by my actions somehow.

The Pharaoh nodded, standing still. "I will protect your son Ahkmenrah with my life. I promise you that long after you are gone." I hoped that he would see the truth I had in my eyes. I would give up my life for Ahkemrah to live.

𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐎𝐇'𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐁 ── AHKMENRAHWhere stories live. Discover now