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The Kingdom of Fiore.

A world where magic is an integral part of people's lives.


What will be presented to you today is a very eerie magic... For the next 30 minutes, your mind will leave your body and head deep into this magic...

"Is the Master in?" questioned Erza the moment she walked in the guild.

The team of six had just gotten back from Galuna and Erza Scarlet was more than ready for the four rule breakers to get their punishment.

Mirajane stepped closer to them with a gentle smile and greeted them, "Okaerinasai. How was the island? Did you have a little swim in the ocean?"

"It wasn't that kind of trip, Mira." sighed [Name], glancing at her raging redheaded friend. Lucy sweatdropping behind them, "Sho tto, Mira-san... Now is not the time..."

"Where is the Master?!!" roared Erza.

Standing beside the still smiling albino, Macao explained, "He had some kind of council something-or-other meeting, or whatever... He's been out since yesterday."


"We're safe for now!" cheered Natsu.

"Yoshi! None of that until gramps gets back!" fist bumped Gray.

Happy crying waterfalls, "Yokatta! We can put off staring into the gates of hell for a while longer!"

"Tell me what that is already!" cried Lucy, "I wanna know so bad! It's freaking me out! It's even scarier when I don't know what it is!"

"Be quiet!"

They cowered back at Erza's yell, the woman glaring back at Mira in anger. Sweating at this, the [Hair Color]ette asked Mira hopeful, "When will Master be back?"

The white-haired girl furrowed her brows as she thought back, "It shouldn't be long now."

Hearing this, the armored woman turned around to the other four, "When the Master returns, I will immediately ask for his decision. Going on an S class quest without permission is against the rules, period. Be prepared for the consequences."

The three males hugged themselves, scaring the blonde even more, "And what consequences should I be prepared for, exactly?!"

"Well, too bad for you!" smiled Wakaba, then his expression turned sullen, "Although... It's one thing for Natsu and Gray to experience that, but for Lucy-chan it's just... You poor thing!"

"Poor thing?"

Ignoring the crestfallen girl, Natsu marched in front of the man, "Hey, you jerk! Whaddaya mean, 'It's one thing for?' Wakaba temee?" Gray joining in, "Yeah! Don't lump me in with Natsu!"

"And what do you mean by that, huh?"

"Exactly what I said! You just don't take a hint, do you?"

Sighing at the two fighting idiots, Elfman let out a sigh, "A man takes responsibility for his actions. You're men, right? Then show it."

But they just ignored him and kept fighting, Happy flying to them with waterfalls in his eyes, "That's mean! Why wasn't I put into the 'it's one thing for' list?"

"And what is this experience anyway?!!!!"

With the pressure off their shoulders for the time being, Natsu began checking the Mission Board. A specific poster catching his attention. "There's a strange-looking request."

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