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"No Marsha! Everything's alright..and we're good."
"Yeah! Even she's good..!"
"Yes I'll take care...!"
"No no not at all...!"
"You be there with your family, we all are good here. Okay bye!"
I listen him talking to Marsha. He very hardly manages to hide my condition from her because she doubts him alot, when it comes to me.
I was still in his bed and now he was going to join, because it's midnight. I am already seeing him yawning and rubbing his eyes.
Closing his laptop, he heads towards the bed.
"Mind if I share the bed?", He asked.
I eyed him for what seemed like eternity.
"You are asking me?? You should throw me at one corner of the bed and get your place.", I taunt shifting to one side.
He ignores my comment, and lies down next to me. And in no time dozed off to sleep. The house help was gone.
Now because I slept almost whole day, I couldn't sleep now and this utter silence caused some fear in me..
There was no sound except his slight breathing.
Since there was no one in the mansion, I thought to take a walk around... probably I'll sleep better then.
I slowly get up from the bed and see myself in the mirror.
My hair was messed up and the shirt barely covered my thighs. However, I was wearing tight shorts so it was not so uncomfortable. I wore them because in the morning I had a long skirt on.
I get out of the room and come down, to the dining area. There was a huge glass wall in the house and I liked it alot. One can see everything outside but none outside can see in. I sat near the chair, Mr. Sehgal's chair. There were three grand chairs in the house. One here. One at the portico and one in his room. He like a king sat there, and no other dared to take that place. Not even Marsha!
Arrogant man!
I sit there watching snow fall. They say that snow fall takes with it all your life's problem if you let it's beauty seep in you.
With sleep nowhere near me, I decide to make a coffee for myself.
I go to kitchen and take out a vessel.
I turn around to the stove only to run into a hard figure. I shrieked.
And then looked up only to find him.
Thank God!
"You were sleeping?", I said moving past him.
"What are you doing here? You are hungry?"
"No I didn't get sleep. So that's why came down to sit here and have a coffee.", I tell him.
He was yawning.
"You go and sleep I'll come after I feel sleepy.", I say but in return he takes away the pan from me.
"Not again!", I say but he ignores it and proceeds towards the stove.
Pouring out the content and and letting it to boil, he goes out of the kitchen and brings in a chair for me to sit, "Sit or your leg will pain."
"Oh please Mister! I am not that delicate.", I slam at him and lean on the counter.
It's no point in trying to stop him.
"Come out! Follow me...", He says as he takes two coffee mugs with him.
"You don't need to do this.", I try to say but in vain.
He sits down on the floor of the portico and I too follow him, maintaining a good distance.

He gives me the coffee and drinks his own.
I too drink the one I have, "Damn! This is awes.....!", I say but didn't complete it.
He looks at me and chuckles, "I know it's awesome."

And then we quietly finished it.
He took the cups and went in the kitchen to wash them.
He then came back, and sat down just next to me. I thought it will be rude of me, to shift now, so I just sit there. And in no time I fell something on my right shoulder. It's his hair and he has dozed off again, with his head on my shoulder.
How can anyone resist this sleeping figure of him?! I wanted to wake him up but his sleep was too peaceful to be disturbed.
So, I just sit there and watch him.
I wonder how this looked like world's most interesting work to do.
He just had a coffee but I believe he was so tired that he slept anyway.
What in the world did i do, to deserve him?
He was compassionate, yet cruel.
He was caring, yet harsh.
And the way, he speaks about Daniel, overshadows all his positive points, if they exist.
He's good to me suddenly... explaining, apologizing...
Although the first time he asked me to sleep in his room, because of my phobia did shock me. It's possible he's not bad at heart but I am sure he hates me.
I was in deep thoughts, when I felt some vibrations. It was his phone in his lower. Startled, he woke up again.
"They don't let me sleep!", He frowned and took out his phone.
OLIVIA flashed on the screen.
He was alert in a second and stood up, moving away from me.
"Yeah Olivia!"
"Okay just wait.. I am coming."
And without even turning once, he left.
He would never let me think something good about him.
I go to my room, and bring my bottle of sleeping pills.
"I deserve nothing better than you."

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