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I was sitting on the terrace of our mansion.
These days have been hectic, and my 'boss' asked me to relax for sometime before joining back to the office. However, the reason was something else.

I have been literally kept in an house arrest!

The day we landed in Britain, he left the very moment he received a call. Even not entering his mansion after two long weeks.
Calling me one time a day, to ask for my whereabouts and then suddenly vanishing as if he never existed.

I don't know what was wrong!
Three long days and I haven't seen him in person.
I was restrained from going anywhere except roaming in the mansion. Marsha and Christina stayed with me at night, as per his instructions.
But I was longing to see him.

Dubai (last night of the business trip),
We sat together in the balcony on the couch, covering ourselves in the duvet, sipping our coffees.
I wanted to sleep under the sky, and he definitely had to give me company.
Staring at the moon, as my head rested on his chest, more above his heart, as he held me by my shoulder.
"Mahir!?", I asked him, "You studied in Oxford!? Right!?"
He nodded smilingly, "Why what happened!?"
His voice was producing a vibration in him, and as we were so close, I could feel it well.
Giving me some tingling in the stomach, and some blush on my cheeks.
"No... nothing, I was just wondering how you were as a teenager.", I giggled.
"Nothing much...just a flirt, everyone's crush, playboy... that's it.", He answered me playfully.
"In short a heart breaker!", I commented narrowing my eyes at him.
"Yeah... you can say that...! That had to happen...I can't love!?", He stated shrugging his shoulders.
"You're so mean!", I said to him, feeling bad about all those innocent hearts, he broke.
"Had I not been that mean,we wouldn't have been cuddling each other, under the moon!", He said as if he did the most correct thing in the world.
Cuddling! Yeah...that was what we have been doing for days...and no doubt, I was loving it like anything.
I sat up reluctantly and glared at him, "You mean to say, I am dying to cuddle you?!"
"No! But I am definitely dying to cuddle you!", He pulled me back, this time in a more proximate position, as I landed straight on him. My upper body on his, hands on either side of his head, and lips just a centimeter away from his.
My hands got numb and face was warm with blush.
His scent did no good, making me lose myself more in him.
Shock overpowered embarrassment when I felt his hands tightening around my waist.
In the husky, shivering and ridiculously nervous voice, I muttered, "Mahirrr!"
"Hmm!", He hummed and his chest vibrated against mine.
Words were out of my syllabus now!
And all I could do was blinking my eyes furiously.
My not-in-my-control hands drifted to cup his face.
Brain tried to retort, but it was like that minority whose voice will go unheard among the crowd. The crowd being my heart, hands, legs, body and everything.

I was about to give up, when his phone started ringing.
Believe me, to my brain, that sounded like the most melodious music ever!
Instead of snapping back or getting out of his hold, I kept my head in the crook of his neck.

He kept on talking and I kept on wondering what the hell is wrong with me!? Being in love was okay, but I couldn't express it before him. That's what not I thought.
But then, I swear I heard him say a 'Damnit!', when we got interrupted, which may have resulted into my first kiss, or probably what not.

I smiled remembering this.
The mansion had huge walls surrounding it from all damn sides, and my husband restricted the entry of even a fly in here.
I know it had to do something with the threat I have on my head, but then I don't fear dying. Only if that can satisfy my dad..

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