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I kept my head on his lap as he trailed his fingers through my hair.
I was feeling better after a long time!
"Bela..!", I hear him say.
"How is life without any luxury!?"
I snapped my head in his direction sitting up, "huh!?"
He giggled seeing the frown on my face, "I am just asking...!"
"Umm... you can's fun!", I smiled at him, "You just need to have your loved ones with you... you can survive on waterless roads!"
He smiled back embracing me in his arms.
"Okay tell me one thing!? What you think about your dad now!?", He asked in a low tone.
"Obviously, I don't love him. Anymore.", I knew the answer very well. "But he's my dad, my biological father. I am a part of him and I owe him that. After all I learnt about him, I should hate him, but then I can't make up my mind seeing how I adored him for so many years."
"What if he's killed in our rescue!? I mean he bribed Bruce, but we still have a whole police force after him and that mafia group.", I hear him say and my heart wrenched.
"I have gone through alot, I can't bear being an orphan Mahir!", These words escaped on their own.
He, like a responsible husband cooed me and talked everything we would never do sitting in a dark room, with so much threat over our heads!

"Mahir!?", I called him.
"How did you find it out!?"
"What!? You..."
"No... you know...I mean..!", I couldn't say it.
"That you love me!", I could hear amusement in his voice.
"!", I finally said it not before my cheeks turning red.
"... guess what...I have some special admiration for 'drunk Bela'!"
Shit! I knew that! The moment he revealed it to me.
Now nothing can spoil my mood better!

As if he knew what was going on in my mind, he tightened his grip around me.
"She says just truth, no matter how harsh it is, no matter how difficult it is. Even I am not so expressive when drunk! Rather I become a jackass..And she! She's simply adorable, irresistible, and out of the world! No one can stop oneself from being driven away by her charms!"
I frowned at him, "Stop it!"
I was feeling jealous of my drunken self! Stupid of me, yet a person in love can understand me!
"Jealous huh!?", He was smirking.
"Okay my jealousy is explained. I am in love! But what about you!? You were throwing things, when I just talked to a man nicely!", I narrowed my eyes at him.
He surely didn't expect this, and so he was taken aback.
But being Mahir, he composed himself, "What would you like to assume darling!?"
Now, this was enough to turn me into a red tomato!
"No seriously I mean you can think that I love...."
His sentence was interrupted by the crackling sound of the door opening.

We both looked there as he took my hand in his, and murmered to me, "Have faith in me! You don't have to fear anyone!"
Although Bruce betrayed us, we cannot hate him. Mahir didn't say a single hateful word for him, and this increased my respect for him.
He just said that he'll find out where he failed as a Master.
We both held each other's hands when that monster walked in followed by none other than Bruce!
But as it said, wrong plagues your personality; I could see that vulnerability in his stance.
His face held a guilt, which softened me a bit but then I witnessed bitterness on Mahir's face. For Bruce!
His enemy is my enemy! Be it Bruce or my own dad!

"Wow! Such a beautiful couple! See I have a guest for you... your former bodyguard and the best man! And yeah! My present 'best man'!", He announced.
Mahir ignored his words and in a commanding voice called out to Bruce, "Bruce!"
"Yes Master!", Was the instant reply.
Mahir smirked at my Dad and said, "You may bribe a Man, you cannot bribe my brother!"
As I heard him, I saw Bruce lifting his eyes to finally meet Mahir's.
I could see them interacting with their eyes, as their eyes crossed messages only the two can read.
Dad interrupted, "Bruce! He's not your Master, I behave next time."
"By the way, did you two decide on what you'll offer me in return for your freedom!"
"Dad! I told you what I can offer. If you're willing to take it, then fine otherwise we have the capacity to deal with you forever!", I replied.
"No love! I know your husband's worth is way more than your grandfather's. You are clever and plan to obtain that small part after I set you free. But then, your brain comes from me! I know you... I'll rather switch to my son in law!", He turned to Mahir.
"C'mon MS, let's see what you can bid now, for your lovely wife!"
Mahir held my hand tight, when I was about to suggest him something, mouthing a "trust me!"

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