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I woke up with she lying completely over me, and her hands engulfing me possessively.
I kissed her hairs knowing she won't know about it, and smiled to myself!
I was nervous about sleeping by her side and ended up hugging her for whole damn night.
That was a cute little progress, I can say.

I slowly made her lie down on the bed and went to get a shower.
After a brief shower, I came out and ordered breakfast for both of us.
I would clear this thin air between us. Love is a secondary thing, we can at least live as friends. That would for maximum end the awkwardness between us.
We were okay till I was not aware that Bela is still my wife, and as I did, things messed up! I need to clear this to her, that this is just a title for world. In the four walls of our room, we can still be on good terms.
As much easy that sounded, I was well aware it will hurt me but I had to bear this.

As I was serving food for both of us, I saw her blinking her eyes and rubbing them.
She felt her sides with her hands and then woke up immediately.
Seeing me smiling at her, she smiled back.
"Go freshen up fast... we'll have breakfast together!", I told her and she left nodding.

Then we were sitting together, on the couch having breakfast silently.
We smiled occasionally and it was nothing like the dinner yesterday! Horrible one!
Awkwardness can sometimes eat the hell out of you...
We finished and then as she was about to leave, I stopped her, "I want to talk with you..."
She nodded and signalled me to continue.

Taking a deep breath, I began, "Bela! I want to mend things between us."
She snapped her head in my direction, like she didn't expect this from me.
Of course she wouldn't have!
"I mean... Lest that husband wife thing...I found us never good at that! Something or the other would make us fight without sustainable reasons. Except constant bickering, we do nothing that could suit out relationship. So what if we start fresh as friends!", I completed.

She was looking at me dazed.
I was nervous on what she would reply.
It was like asking her out for the first time.

"Okay... that's rather a nice idea..I have seen things going well between us, when we acted less like married and more like friends!", She said with a wide smile.
I saw an emotion cross her eyes but it soon disappeared.
I always felt, there is something I don't know about her heart. But I could never decode it.

"Okay then...for our friendship!", I extended a white rose to her which definitely surprised her as hell!
She looked at me, then rose, then me and then the rose again!
And finally she smiled.
"It looks more like a peace maker!", She joked taking it in her hands.
We laughed at that, "Yeah! The way we bicker, we need such peace offerings more often!"

"By the way, there's a gala tonight...mind joining me!?", I asked her.
"I'll come!", She grinned.
"And you will not drink!!", I warned her remembering the last time she drank.
"Am I that horrible to manage then...!", She smiled mischeviously.
"No...not that! It's just that you become a bit bolder!", I joked at her.
I saw her eyes widening but then she smiled shrugging off.
I well know, she forgets all the next morning...

Just when we were having a good time, my phone beeped.
I picked it up and saw it was a text message from Bruce.
I opened it and was left dumbstruck.
"Olivia is in Dubai!"


He left two hours ago telling me that he got a meeting with some of his new clients. I wanted to accompany him, but then he said he'll manage and I should take time to get a dress for the gala tonight.
And here, I was. In a famous mall, trying hundreds of dresses on me, to find one appropriate for me.
Those dresses were either too revealing or too tight.
After searching for hours, I finally got a dress for me.
However, the dress wasn't the type I generally wear. But it was better than everything here.

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