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"MS! Your wedding has been a mystery! Even your wife was? Why?"
"She's an introvert..she doesn't like much publicity and I had to respect that.", He said bringing me close by my waist and I had to nod smilingly.
"Ma'am...even you are daughter of Mr. Sharma..but we never got to see you. Why?", Another reporter popped up.
"That's because..a treasure should be well hidden.", He answered and I had to fake a contended smile.
"MS..Your wife is now an accountant in your company. How do you feel?", Someone from the  corner said.
"Am feeling like a luckiest man! My wife is by my side almost everywhere.", He laughed.
"How's your married life going??"
"Ridi......", And before I could say anything, he kissed me on my cheeks, "We just can't get enough of each other."
I was irritated by now. We were not just fully out of our car and these reporters gathered around like anything.
"Okay! No more questions...!", He said and guided me through the crowd.
The party venue was a huge city club. And I was feeling like the centre of the party. It looked more like our reception party and not the honour party for Petkoffs.
The guests there bunched around us as we entered the party. Probably, that was because we were first time officially attending some party as a couple.
In no time the Petkoffs arrived, and thankfully he left me.
I am not used to this much attention. Neither I desire that.
I took a sigh of relief, and went to the bar counter asking for a glass of water.
There I see him, greeting the Petkoffs and people around.
I was feeling very pissed off. I don't like parties at all. And as the time progressed, he got busy dancing with some chicks. What better can MS do?
I interacted with Mrs. Petkoff and she turned out to be a very humble lady. She was deeply impressed when I tried to talk her in her native language. I have always had interest in learning different languages.
But after that, my head started spinning. It was too irritable to entertain people, who you don't even know!
He asked me to dance with him. Don't know from where he gets the audacity to do so! I straight refused telling him that my gown has some problem. Thankfully he didn't budge after that. Touching those sl*ts and then coming to me, like I am a formality.
The long gown, I was wearing was of no help. Rather it made things more unmanageable. However, it wasn't the gown's mistake. It was his! He wanted to show off and here I am, his property being showed off!
"Please give me one hard alcoholic drink!", I demand.
The yellow colored liquor arrived. I have never had alcohol but as everyone says, it makes things easier, so basically there's no problem in trying it out.
I drink it in one gulp. Ridiculous! As ridiculous as him. My throat was burning now, only to give an urge to drink some more.
I demanded one more and then lost the count.
The blurry vision of my watch told me that it was midnight now. But this damn party was on full swing.
"You're drunk!", I heard a familiar startled voice from behind.
"Nope! I was just checking if the drinks have been prepared well... you know..", I answered smilingly.
"Bela... you will not be able to manage. C'mon let's go home!", He said to me showing that fake concern.
"No... I'll call Richard... you enjoy the party.", I said and started fumbling with my phone, "R...R...R...two two Richards! Oh my my.....MAHIR.. you got another driver??"

Her eyes were red and loose.
She threw her left hand on my shoulder, "Richard got a twin?? No??", She mumbled making a cute pout, tilting her head to one side.
"No..he hasn't! Now come with me... we'll go back home."
"Hey!!", She pulled out a finger at me, "Don't order me! You are not my husband...!"
I sighed, "I am..."
"Give me your car keys... I'll go... you need to enjoy. Your Olivia is standing there...see..see!", She points to some direction and I follow. Olivia was there, seducing some man.
I shook my head at her.
"Awww! You're jealous...go punch him on the face.. and get back your 'girlfriend'.", She said to me pinching my nose.
"You're utterly drunk...!", I say to her and she draws her hands back.
Petkoffs were gone, so it won't be any problem if I leave. However, I asked Bruce to manage things here and then held her hands and brought her out to the parking area.
Making her sit in the car and tying the seat belt, I started driving.
After sometime of mumbling rubbish to herself, she turned to me, "Mahir??"
She'll call me MAHIR, when drunk... okay good!
"Maaahhhiiiirrr!", She shouts on top of her voice.
"Yes...yes...say it out."
"Let's go to your suite!", She demanded with a pout.
"Huh? Bela..but we aren't having any clothes there.", I argued with her.
"If you want to take me, then go on. If not! Then stop the car.... I'll go on my own.", She was threatening me.
I had to obey her. No option. Plus I had already acted like a jerk, and doing what she wants will probably lessen my guilt.
I drove to the hotel.
And as soon as I parked, she got out of the car, swinging herself to the lift and finally to the 40th floor. She was not acting like her typical self. Carefree, ignorant and most importantly smiling at me. And this made me shiver with fear. Did I effect her so much?? Am I forcing her?? What if she regrets me for whole her life? What if she hates me forever?? Why did she drink alcohol, which I am sure she never did before this??

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