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"Bruce! Find her anyhow...I want my answers!", I order Bruce but somehow I noticed some defiance in his voice.
"Master...she definitely must have got the hint of something fishy. And that's why she left. Madam is not a woman who will leave like this.", He said and left.
The first thing that popped up in my mind was that Bruce knows where she is.
I felt that he was misleading me.

Even Marsha was behaving strangely. She used to pass glares to me.
She didn't come to give me some relief.
"To ask questions from others, you first need to be morally correct!", She said as I say that I want answers from Bela.
If it would have been others, I would have beaten them up and got my answers. Like I did with Bela's dad.
It felt my heart is torn apart. I was longing to say everything to her and she went away, like I never existed.
Even when there was a condition that after proposition, we won't be able to come together, I had the satisfaction that I can at least see her, I can at least tell her that I am in love with her!

I was not only missing her but my newly found granddad. He was a very genuine human being. No wonder Bela loved him so much.
It was him, who got mad on seeing our naked fingers.
It was our second visit to granddad's place. Bela was very happy. She said she feels light that she didn't have to sneak and hide from people.

"Doll...I wanted you to marry according to Indian rituals! But that ba*turd dad of yours made it worse..", he stated and I chuckled at his comment on Bela's dad.
"Daniel... that's not the correct way.. he's my dad!", And turning to me, "Even you have to stop giggling! I know you too don't like him."
She glared at both of us but in turn we laughed out more.
Her dad was indeed a bas*urd.
"I saw mom's wedding pictures. Indian weddings are beautiful. That red colour is simply mesmerizing!", She had dreamy eyes.
"Doll... you can marry twice then... of course with him.", Granddad suggested pointing towards me.
She narrowed her eyes at him, "Wedding is a one time thing."
And as we talked about this, Daniel's eyes reach to her naked ring finger.
Abruptly stopping his talks, he asked, "Where's your ring child!?"
And then turned to me, taking my hand in his, "And where's yours!?"
We both couldn't reply. It was like a cat caught red handed.
After alot of thinking, I uttered, "Since she's getting fat, she has sent hers to a jeweller. Am I right Bela!?"
She desperately nodded before noticing what I really said.
"You're calling me fat!", She threw a pillow on me, "How dare you!?"
And then she was chasing me around the house, with granddad laughing loud on our childishness and eventually forgetting about the talk.
That night, when we came back, I made her wear her ring and wore mine too. She didn't protested and my heart swells even today, remembering that good time with her.
[Flashback ends]

I had to do something on my own. Something that's hell needed.
I have survived for one month, now I cannot.

"Daniel please have your medicine!", I requested him nth time that day.
"No! Not before I get to talk to Prince.", He was being difficult today.
"Daniel... he's busy!", I lied again.
"Bela!", He was really angry, "You have been saying this from the last one month! First we sneaked in here, because he wanted us to move to a safer place. Don't you think that even his life is in danger!!", He was almost shouting.
"Calm down Daniel... your blood pressure will rise! Please don't harm yourself.", I tried to persuade him.
"I know you're hiding something! If I don't get to talk to him today, I promise you that I myself will go back to Britain. Remember, he's as important to me as you are!!", He said and took the medicine from me, his eyes never softening.
It has been one month since I am lying to Daniel, continuously. Thankfully, I had Bruce and Marsha to support me. I could let my heart out before them.
I was in Italy currently, at Marsha's place.
She asked me to stay here, because Mr. Sehgal would never doubt me being here. And even if he finds out anyhow, Marsha and Bruce are constantly there to inform me.

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