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"Madam! These documents need your sign. The Dubai project.", Alice kept a pile of papers before me.
I huffed, "Alice! I told you Mahir is at home, not well...I need to go!"
"Madam, Master called me when you were in the meeting. He said that he's fine and the nurse is there to take care of him, and may stay overnight if needed.", She told me.
I frowned listening this.
"He's horrible!"

So, my husband who just arrived from the hospital, precisely yesterday morning sent me to work forcefully.
He said that someone needs to take care of work, and since I am in single piece, I can come here.
I was so adamant on being at home, and taking care of him, but he's Mahir Sehgal of course. Fifty times more adamant than me!

After signing half the documents before me, I thought I should call him.
And with no second thoughts, I did it.
He picked up the phone after six damn rings.
"Hey!", He speaks up.
Only I know how much I love this voice of his.
Sighing, "How are you feeling!?"
"'s better..way too better."
"Had your dinner!?"
"Hmm..I see someone's trying to be all wifey-wifey!"
"Back to Earth MS! You are talking to your wife only!"
"And what caused my wife to get disturbed all of a sudden!?"
"Your damn thoughts!", I muttered under my breath but I think he heard and thus, he burst out laughing.
"Mahir! I wanted to stay at home...', I whined.
"Okay then from tomorrow, I'll go for work."
"Yeah! With a broken leg."
I hear multiple voices in the background.
"Where are you Mahir?? Don't tell me you left the bed!!!", I yelled at him.
Silence followed on his end
"Calm down wife! I am just watching television.", I could hear a sense of discomfort on the other end.
" the way, I'll return around midnight. Bruce is here to pick me up."
"Great...!", And I hung up.

Something was off about everyone. I could sense some mysterious air.
Bruce kept full track of my works and action. He would say it's for security. Rather I felt the reason vague, as to why he'll ask me my favourite flowers, or many related things.
Bruce never talked unnecessarily and his recent behavior didn't go unnoticed by me.
I already doubted him and apologized later, but then he said that this proves my love for his master.
He narrated everyone that how dad forced him to get with him, threatening him over his mother who lives at the county side. But when in the dark room, he came in and saw Mahir, his sense of responsibility overcame every fear.
He told us how Mahir assured him through eyes that he won't let anything go wrong. Mahir was strict and stern, but he was affectionate too. Be it for Bruce or any other staff members. Leaving Marsha, who would lash over him like a typical mother.

After finishing my work, I got to my car which was being driven by Richard and Bruce sat beside him.
Dad was no more a problem though.
We were called for his funeral. But I refused to go, because of everything I remembered from past about my mom and Daniel. He made their lives hell and I would be glad, if he's thrown out of the hell even.

We pulled to the mansion and I straight reached to my room.
A long day though!

As I opened the door to our room, I found him sleeping on the bed.
Disappointment, I went to change and then came back to my bed.

This continued for four days.
I didn't get time for Mahir, and he wasn't interested to spend some with me. He would force me to go for work anyhow!
And to my wonder, Marsha Christina and everyone would support him.
Bruce, however remained with me and bore all the lashing I would do on him, for Mahir!
I apologized later and he simply laughed then.

Today, was no different.
When I announced that I was going to stay, Mahir hastily intervened.
"Bela! Go to office...the work is important."
I glared at him, "Stop it! I know you don't need me, but I want some rest for my own self!"
"Bela! Petkoffs are arriving today, you have to attend them. Then Alice said you'll go to help on her shopping...!", and he narrated everything I was scheduled to do today.
I narrowed my eyes at him, "You are the worst husband one could have! But let me tell you I won't go to work today!"
He huffed and puffed in annoyance.
"Bela! I don't pay you for sitting at home!!", He yelled at me.

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