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"They are so cute!", I commented as the Petkoffs danced to the tune of music!
He made a face, "They are too old to dance. I wonder why haven't they fallen on the floor yet!"
"They are too much in love!", I seriously admired them.
It was the fiftieth wedding anniversary, but their love was still afresh.
You talk to Mr. Petkoff, all you listen is about his wife and you talk to Mrs. Petkoff, all you listen is about her husband!
I envy them seeing the love life they have. So perfect!

I felt two eyes on me and turned in the direction to find him looking at me. Intently.
We were sitting on a table, and he wasn't ready to leave me thinking that I may drink the very moment he'll divert his gaze.
Felt like I am a drunkard.
"What!?", I asked him.
He didn't divert his gaze, but just smiled.

"Bela...I will ask you a situational question? Like what will you do in such a situation!?", He said.
"Okay already bored...!", I said to him, gulping a sip of mango juice.
"So..!", He took a deep breath,
"Imagine yourself in a dilemma. You really want to trust someone, but there is something that goes off. Like something that made you suspicious of that person. He/She has been in your life for a considerable time with one image, that made you fall in love with them. But suddenly you come across something, that if true, will bring out a completely different person from them. The one who you may hate even.
What will you do then!?"

I felt like he's mirroring many circumstances I have been in!
Like the one, when I found him in alliance with Dad. My heart wanted to trust him, yet that incident crept jumping now and then.
Another situation, when I saw him recently with Olivia. Although he never promised me of love, he said that Olivia was nothing in his life. I was hurt then, yet my heart refused to believe what I saw.
They are the times to test your trust on someone.
With him, I feel a strange feeling. Any of his act, may offend me at first, but soon when he comes to me, I want to forget everything!
I get offended, but never feel betrayed. Because offence is related to brain, to the practical aspect of that situation. But betrayal is related to heart.
Then yesterday he said,
"Bela... everytime we don't have to believe what our eyes see! May be there's something different from what we think it really is... believe what your heart tells you!"
And I had an answer.

"Mahir! Sometimes you should let your heart win... Whatever person you are talking about, you should go back to the moments, you have lived with them. Everything cannot be faked! Atleast those which you really felt by heart... Don't ignore what you suddenly saw, but try to be on that person's side and check about it's credibility.", His eyes beemed up as soon as I said this!
He smiled at me, "You know what!? You are the best!"
I laughed at his comment, "You're complimenting more these days!? Any special reason."
He chucked, nodding his head in no. But I heard him mutter, "Very special!"

Mr. And Mrs. Petkoff cut the cake, and feed us. They had no children. And I would say they regarded us as one. We were probably their only family here in Dubai, with some of their staff.

After the party was over, we went back to the suite.
He was in the balcony, talking to Bruce and I was sitting in the room to prepare for the next meeting we have tomorrow morning.

I saw my phone, and left a sigh of relief that dad wasn't calling me anymore!
I don't know what he wants to do with me now.
He killed my mother and that is the thing that made me hate him beyond limits...
I never really hated him before that. He was my father after all. Being deprived of my mother, from the birth, I looked upon him, to just find a shade of parent's love but I didn't get anything.

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