Chapter 3

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"Are you that young to not understand the definition of dating? How old are you? 17? 18? You don't look like you've finished high school. It's school hours, why aren't you wearing your uniform?" His bold yet sarcastic remark blazes through her eardrums, threatening her last bits of patience.

Before she could say her reply, there was a subtle knock on the door. Taehyung ignored it at first but then the knock is heard again, louder this time.

"Open it before I destroy this door Kim Taehyung!"

Oh great, now what?

He rolled his eyes as he dragged himself to the door, unlocking it. Before he could open the door for the guest, a figure came barging in mumbling things none of them could understand. Risa's eyes widened as she watch the tall woman, beautifully decked in a cream-colored pant suit that is definitely tailored for her. Her beautiful shoulder length hair, that lustrous wavy chestnut locks falling over her perfect shoulder, highlighting the soft, flawless features of her face. The click of her maroon pair of kitten heels echoed throughout the quiet office room.

Such a beautiful lady oh my god

"So, where is this new girlfriend of yours?", she asked, turning around gracefully to look at Taehyung.

"Get out Karin, I don't need another source of headache"

"Where is she?"

Oh shit

Risa gulps as she watches the woman scanning the room and spot her standing just behind the sofa. She raised her eyebrows instantly as she walks towards her slowly, her heels clicking in a very even pattern, almost like a rhythm. Her beautiful dark brown eyes scanning Risa top to bottom.

She halted right in front of Risa, looking at her attentively before letting out a long "hmmmm".

Now what

"I can't believe that you managed to get someone as cute as her", she turns to Taehyung as she raised both her eyebrows. "With that rusty flirting skills of yours", she added.

"Don't start Karin. I don't need another—"

"Hello, I am Taehyung's sister that doesn't like her Korean name thus I name myself Karin", Karin puts out her hand, smiling so widely this time.

Risa quickly shakes Karin's hand as she bows a little to show respect towards her.

"So, what is your name?", Karin asked as she curved the most beautiful soft smile Risa has ever seen in her life. It's like when she smiles, the entire city would bloom into the most beautiful colorful garden and the sky would turn into the bluest clear sky she would have ever seen her entire life.

Karin is just that beautiful

"Risa. Kwon Risa", bowing slightly again, she tries to sound calm despite having millions of questions heralding her blank mind.

"Risa ? As in Ri-sa ?You're not Korean? Are you Japanese? Wait, you're fluent in Korean?" Karin raised her beautifully arched dark brown eyebrows as she tilts her head looking at Risa.

"My mom is Korean", Risa answered despite still being stricken at Karin's beauty. Karin has such a small and lean body, her fair skin glows as if she swallowed pearls when she was born. Her dark brown hair compliments her well-sculptured face with that round doe eyes and probably the most perfect nose.

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