Chapter 55

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Jungkook reads the new short article he found on the internet, eyebrows furrowed as he reaches for his phone

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Jungkook reads the new short article he found on the internet, eyebrows furrowed as he reaches for his phone. He knows what to do whenever there are articles, misleading ones, roaming around on the net. He has connections and he use it wisely for this matter only.

"MinHyuk, you see the article I just sent you?", he asked.

"Yes. But apparently, it has just been deleted. I am trying to track whoever that has deleted it. I have yet to do anything "

"What?" he leans forward in shock, eyes widening as he tries to refresh the article just to find it deleted just in mere seconds

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"What?" he leans forward in shock, eyes widening as he tries to refresh the article just to find it deleted just in mere seconds. "How is this possible, it was just published a few minutes ago"

"That's the thing. As a matter of fact, as I was filtering the articles just now, a few has been blocked and also deleted the moment it was published. This is interesting actually. Whoever that is doing this, they are good. But, the questions is, whose work is this?"

Jungkook cleared his throat as he stares at the empty webpage, trying hard to think of any possibilities. His connections always come to him first whenever it comes to filtering articles or online posts—but this time, it is different. Someone else must be doing the same thing he is doing.



Hwayoung stands in front of Taehyung's apartment door, heart pacing fast as she rethinks her decision to go straight to his house to see him. She couldn't wait any longer. Her meeting with Karin was somehow not as how she expected. Karin was stunned to see her but she couldn't blame her for reacting like that. It was expected but she couldn't care less.

All that matters now is to see Taehyung

Hearing the soft pads of someone walking behind her, she swiftly turns around to see Taehyung, the Kim Taehyung, the man she loves, standing a few feet away from her. He stood still, eyes widening as he looks at her in disbelief. She could see him gulping hard and slow, registering the sight of her standing in front of him.

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