Chapter 5

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"Why did you agree?", Eri tugs on her blanket, pestering her to get up and explain everything.

Groaning in distress, her beauty sleep being disrupted is the last thing she ever needed. Pulling the blanket over her head, she ignored Eri's endless questions, leaving her hanging. It's too early to be talking about the problem that fell upon her like a massive rock, burdening her entire self.

"Kwon Risa, answer me. Why did you—"

"I have not agreed to anything", her muffled reply heard faintly from under the fluffy white sheets. "Now will you let me sleep?"

"I don't understand, how could he just force you into this? Does he know about you?"

"No and he will never know. Nobody should. Now can you—"

"Kwon Risa, get up. I need you to talk to me", she pulled Risa up, forcing her to sit upright. "What else did he ask you to do? Why are you still going to that office of his and in a way, going on with their plan ?"

"Are you forgetting something Eri?", she perks her sleepy eyes up, staring at Eri with a look that speaks louder than any word could.

Eri's expression changed abruptly, as if getting the hint through Risa's tone behind her words and her facial expression. She lets go of the blanket, sighing as she slumps herself into the bed, tapping the ball of her feet on the carpet.

"Is that why? That doesn't mean you can just bluntly agree to his whatever called deal. He wants you to be around him for 60 days. I mean, the whole country knows Kim Taehyung is this renowned eligible bachelor, can't deny he is a looker. But still, you can't just agree to their plans and—"

"Eri, I have not agreed to it. Weren't you listening when I was talking about it, last night?", rolling her eyes as she jumps off the bed, heading straight to look out at the windows. "I have no idea what to do now. I mean, for sure Karin warned me about the consequences. She did not force me, but she did ask me to think about it"

"Not that the medias know your name, even your photos weren't that clear. The ones they had at the front page barely even shows your entire face because of the cap you wore. But, soon, they will....oh shit. They will, don't they?"

"And that is why. I don't know. I am lost. Entirely not in place. Can you imagine being in my position? I am barely here for even a week, my bags are still unpacked and now here I am? In those headlines and my photos spreading like mushrooms after a rainy day? What a revelation"

Eri turns to look at her standing at the windowpane, looking disturbed as she stares out of her clear windows, seeking anything that is possible to get her out of the mess. Your own best friend is stuck in a horrible mess; a drama of the high society. Something they never planned to be in. She deeply wishes she could help her get out of it, but she has no stand in this.

Nobody can control the media


Risa watches as a  expensive black car that could pay her entire college fees approaches the front of her house, slowly coming to a halt. The door to the driver's seat swung opened to reveal a tall man dressed in all black coming out of it. He bowed politely before opening the passenger door for her. She just stood there, still registering the sight of having an unknown car and also, an unknown guy holding the door for her.

Wait, am I in a movie now?

"Risa! Come in!"

Risa slowly peeped through the ajar door to find Karin smiling at her as she pats on the empty beside her, gesturing Risa to come in. Risa quickly bowed to the guy before finally getting into the car. The guy swiftly got into the driver seat before finally pressing on the pedal, leaving the housing area.

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