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About 40 minutes later

Dani: "Thanks for watching hoes bye!"

Dani got up and turned the camera off, and she plopped down on the couch and yawned.

Maddie: "I'm tired."

Dani: "Me too."

Isaac: "We could go get the extra couch pieces and we could all crash in here."

Maddie: "I'm down."

Maddie's POV:

I was so fucking tired, and my back still hurts like a bitch. The couch was shaped like an U, so I laid on one end and I got under the blanket.

Billie: "Damn shorty, you that tired?"

Maddie: "Mhm."

I wasn't going to sleep until Billie laid down, but while I was laying there I was reflecting on how good tonight was. It was so much fun and for the first time ever I feel like I have a loyal group of people around me who won't fuck me over.

But out of every moment tonight there's one that won't leave my mind, when Billie leaves for tour she's going to be gone for so long. But I have to cherish her in the time that I have her, because if I spend the next three months worrying about whats going to happen when she leaves it won't be fun. 

Isaac: "Bil! Dani! Can you come grab one of the couch pieces?"

I felt Billie get up and I could hear her walk towards the storage area, I was still lost in my own thoughts but I was getting more tired.

Billie's POV:

I carried back the piece I needed in order to lay down, the second I put it on the floor I threw myself right by Maddie and I woke her up. She turned towards me, she buried her face in my chest and I put the blanket back over us. Our legs ended up tangled up together, my arm was around her back pulling her closer to me. I kissed the top of her head.

Billie: "Goodnight shorty."

Maddie "Goodnight babygirl."

I wasn't fully asleep, I was getting there. But then I hear Dani and the twins walk in.

Dani: "There's no way that they're both asleep already."

Isaac: "I don't know bro."

Dani plopped down on the couch with one of the twins and they kept talking.

Dani: "You wanna know something?"

Isaac: "Sure."

Dani: "I've known Billie for just over a year now, and I have never, ever seen her this happy. Yeah she's been happy for like moments, but this happiness that Maddie's causing is consistent. I don't know why I had to get that off my chest, I'm so happy that Billie's happy and found someone that really cares for her."

Isaac: "Same, Bil has been through a lot and so has Maddie. Maddie and Billie both have used and cheated on, so they won't do it to each other because they both know what that feels like. Do you remember how Maddie was after Nicole dude? God it's still burned into my brain."

Dani: "Dude you remember like the fucking day it happened? Oh my god I have never seen someone that. That, I don't even know the fucking word."

Isaac: "I know what you're trying to say, I'm able to read Maddie pretty well. She's head over heels for Billie."

Dani: "What's going to happen when Billie leaves for tour?"

Isaac: "A shit show probably, but Billie and Maddie both are so mature. Maddie could be a little more mature at times, but when that time comes I'm sure they'll handle it in a very mature understanding way."

Dani: "But like, they're the source to each other's happiness, Maddie's not going to drop everything and go on tour with Billie. Maddie's career is literally just taking off, Billie's career has never looked better."

Isaac: "I love when Billie's on tour, just because it's good for her and her name. But when she's gone were all miserable."

Dani: "She keeps us in order, if it weren't for Billie I'd still be partying and hanging out with the wrong people."

Isaac: "Billie has given me some of the best advice."

Dani: "Maddie and Billie are both so beyond tough, but when Billie leaves. That is going to tear Maddie in half, she's not going to tell any of us. That's just how she is. I can't even explain how much gonna it's gonna hurt her, Billie's gonna be hurt but like she's doing something she loves. Making millions of people happy, seeing her fans happy, makes her happy. But Maddie dude omg I fear for the day Billie leaves."

Isaac: "When Billie does leave, we gotta be there for Maddie. Even if she lets us or not."

Dani: "Maddie told me that she doesn't know if she's ever gonna tell Billie what happened with Nicole, I understand that she doesn't want to relive it. But I think that she should because Billie would be there and listen, but she has this fear that Billie's gonna feel sorry for her and all Billie's gonna do is have sympathy for her." But Billie would sit down for hours and listen to her talk about everything, and I mean everything."

Isaac: "I don't think that Maddie should tell Billie, like Maddie's not hiding anything. It's just something that was so tragic, I know Maddie trusts Billie and vice versa. But like Maddie shouldn't bring anyone else into it, I know why Maddie thinks Billie's gonna feel sorry for her."

Dani: "Why? I've been trying to figure it out for the past three days."

Isaac: "Because she met this girl, and they instantly hit it off. Not in that way or anything but like they became really close friends in a matter of seconds, Maddie told her the story, it was okay for awhile and then that girl that she met had told Tana and Tana like pitied the fuck out Maddie. That's why Maddie is scared that Billie, is gonna feel sorry for her, because the last person she trusted, broke her trust. Maddie's doing the right thing here, she doesn't want her trust to get broken again."

Dani: "Bitch, I was there that night."

Isaac: "You're lying."

Dani: "No no no, I was there because it was my idea to go to that party. The reason I took Maddie is because this girl had some dirt on Nicole, and she was at the party, so I was going to see if I could get that dirt for Maddie but I never did. If I never took Maddie... to that fucking party... she wouldn't have trust issues."

Isaac: "Don't blame yourself, you were trying to help. Everything happens for a reason. You're good dude."

Dani: "Can we finish this talk later? I'm really fucking tired."

Isaac: "Of course, I always liked our talks. You understand me very well."

Dani: "Mhmm, goodnight love you bro.

Isaac: "Love you too dude." 

Bitch what? Maddie's scared I'm going to break her trust, I would never no matter what circumstance. Is Maddie really gonna be broken when I leave? Dude I'm not gonna be able to do that, I wish I never heard that conversation. But like are they all really miserable when I'm gone?

I pulled Maddie closer to me even though that's not possible, I started massaging her scalp and playing with her hair. I didn't sleep that entire night. 


this chapter was so fucking random. 

thanks ily

words: 1238

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