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Maddie's POV:

I get to my apartment the same time that Kenzie did, I could tell she was up to something just by the way she walked to the door.

Maddie: "What are you up to?"

Kenzie: "I have an idea for the ball."

Maddie: "Which means you don't know if I'll like it."

Kenzie: "Ding ding."

Maddie: "Omg tell me what you have planned." We both walked into my glam room.

Kenzie: "So for the ball, since its a very mature and elegant event. I was thinking a more mature and elegant look."

So far I liked what she's saying.

Maddie: "I'm listening."

Kenzie: "So I was thinking, something like this with a white skirt and plain heels?"

She pulled out this shoulder-less top that was the perfect shade of red.

Maddie: "I'm fucking with it so far."

Kenzie: "Okay so the main reason that I'm here so quickly, what are you going to do about Billie?"

Maddie: "I'm going to get back together with the dumb bitch, and I'm still going to go on tour with her."

Kenzie: "Oh thank god."

I laughed at her.

Maddie: "I have a serious question."

Kenzie: "Shoot."

Maddie: "If I didn't go on tour with her, would it really affect my career that much?"

Kenzie: "No, I was looking out for you because like I said before, we're not working for in the moment we're working to get ahead. So I just didn't want you to waste your time, then when you told me that you guys broke up. I already took the blame for it, because I let you get what you want with no type of... I don't know how to say what I wanna say, but like when you asked to go on tour with her. I didn't think of how long that was down the road and how much can change in that amount of time. I let you go because of how happy I could tell she makes you."

What Kenzie said really got me thinking, like that was crazy of me to ask to go on tour with her. When I barely even knew her, I don't I guess there was a feeling that I was going to be with her for awhile so that's why I did it.

Maddie: "I see what you're saying."

Kenzie: "So you're down for this look?" Kenzie asked while looking at the top.

Maddie: "I'm down."

Kenzie: "And I was also thinking a bare neck, so like no jewelry."

Maddie: "I want earrings to match the skirt."

Kenzie: "Done and done, nice doing business with ya."

Maddie: "My pleasure."

We both laughed.

Kenzie: "But how did it go with Billie last night?"

Maddie: "It went good, she asked me to the ball. I don't want to go, last year I was too unprofessional for it and now I have one of the best invites I can get."

Kenzie: "Is Billie the reason you got an invite?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

Kenzie: "Either way, I think you should go because this can do so much for your brand and career. I say that about every opportunity you get, but this time I really mean it."

Maddie: "I don't know dude, I feel like I'm at a standstill. Like I haven't grown in a couple weeks, but then again I haven't been working like I used to. But the thing is that I was on cloud fucking nine, I was the talk of the town. Now, I was just the girl that had a nice couple weeks of fame." I shrugged my shoulders, not believing I just admitted how I feel about doing what I'm doing.

Kenzie: "How long have you felt this way?"

Maddie: "I don't know, like ever since Bil and I broke up. Like I'm not saying she had anything to do with it, but when I'm sad I think of every reason that's causing this."

Kenzie: "The reason you feel like this is because we're winding down, tour's coming, Calvin Klein is later this week, then after that it's just prettylittlething. Then all the major shit we're doing, is going to come out when you're on tour. While you're on tour you gotta remember that I'm only a phone call and a plane ride away, I will be there if you need me."

Maddie:" What do you have planned for New York?"

Kenzie: "When you go there for your birthday?"

Maddie: "Mhm."

Kenzie: "Oh I don't know, maybe New York fashion week."

Maddie: "With prettylittlething?"

Kenzie: "Yes, then when you get back Paris fashion week. With Billie."

Maddie: "You didn't."

Kenzie: "Billie's team knows already, they're the ones that told me about it."

Maddie: "I'd be lost without you."

Kenzie: "You get your Tesla late this month?"

Maddie: "Yes ma'am, and as much as I love this apartment, I want a house. But I'll do it after tour, once I turn 18. I don't know I just need to get rid of this and grow up."

Kenzie: "Do you feel pressured to grow up?"

Maddie: "No, I want to grow up, I've been grown for years. Just because of the shit that I've been through."

Kenzie: "I see what you're saying, I can start looking, just looking and I'm sure if we find a house that you love. We could arrange something."

Maddie: "Don't say anything to Billie about this though, I'm scared of how she'll react."

Kenzie: "You want a house, just so you can have a dog."

Maddie: "Bingo."

Kenzie laughed at me.

Kenzie: "Have you talked to Maggie?"

Maddie: "Bille wouldn't tell her that we broke up. Billie knew that we're going to get back together, she knows how I work better than I do, if that made any type of sense."

Kenzie: "I see what you're saying, Billie can read you really well."

Maddie: "You're telling me dude, I can read her too but it's not as well as she can read me. She can tell me what I'm fucking thinking."

Kenzie: "Just be happy someone cares that much to figure out how you think."

She does have a point.


im gonna try to get back on the schedule, i had a four day weekend, how many chapters did i write? two. i am out of chapters again, you guys will see me again by wednesday.

I stopped writing because i dont want this book to end and i dont know what im going to do if it does end, thats why i keep dragging it out, but i hate that i don't post daily anymore, do you see my problem? :')

thanks ily

words: 1112.

Our Time (BILLIE EILISH)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz