- T w e n t y o n e -

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After about like twenty minutes of trying, we finally got this bitch zipped. I couldn't breathe but it's fine.

Maddie: "Kenzie, will you give me the necklace and shit?"

Kenzie: "Here."

I started to hook the necklace, but I felt Billie's hands go over mine and she hooked it for me.

Maddie: "Thank you babygirl."

The rings I was wearing were the ones that had the screw driver, to put it on and take it off.

Maddie: "Babygirl, will you go upstairs and on the vanity thing theres like a little tiny screw driver and its gold. Will you go get it please?"

Billie: "Yes."

She came back down and she had it, I really didn't want to wear these rings. But it was for the pictures, I put them on and looked and my hands and what the fuck is this.

Billie: "Are you gonna do anything about her nail?"

Kenzie: "What's on her nail?"

Billie: "Oop."

Maddie: "Her initial."

Kenzie: "What hand is it on?"

Maddie: "My left hand."

Kenzie: "If you like cup your clutch and don't show your nails, you should be fine. Do you wanna risk it?"

Maddie: "I really don't, do you have that stuff from the shoot the other day?"

Kenzie: " Um I think so let me look."

She walked into my glam room and then came back with the special stuff, she painted over the "B" and it looks like it was never there.

I turn and the toy car is gone, and so is Billie. I got my phone and I started to film my outfit in the mirror, I was fixing my stupid necklace. Then Billie literally comes outta nowhere, zooming behind me in my video. I stopped filming and I looked at her.

Maddie: "Do you not remember what happened last time you got in the car?"

She looked at me upside down.

Billie: "Whoops."

Maddie: "Oh my god. I'm not going to help you."

Billie: "You can't even move in that dress, so how the hell are you gonna help me."

I walked over to her. I held my hand out and she grabbed it and she got out of the car.

Maddie: "Now put it back by the wall."

Billie: "As you wish shorty."

Maddie: "I hated that, never say that sentence again."

Billie: "I hated it too don't worry."

Kenzie: "We gotta put on your shoes."

Maddie: "How."

Kenzie: "Lift one leg as high as you can, and stand by the railing so you don't fall."

I walked over to the railing and Billie followed. She took my free hand and then my stylist proceeded to zip up my clear heel.

They were both on and I was fucking ready to get this over with. We had to take pictures and then I was ready to get this over with.

Kenzie: "I want candids Billie talk to her."

Billie: "Okay?"

Billie: "You're still shorter than me." She said with her fucking smile.

Our Time (BILLIE EILISH)Where stories live. Discover now