- F o r t y f i v e -

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I walked upstairs and set the box down on my bed. I looked at only the first box, there was every fucking shade of the color that I asked for. I didn't even know they made this many shades of one fucking color.

About two hours later.

I finished the third box and I'm done for today, I went upstairs and I got un-ready. I took out my contacts and I put on my glasses, I put on one of Billie's hoodies and sweat pants. I looked at my phone after I finished taking off my makeup and it was now 6:37, I looked outside to see that it's cloudy and dark. That made me sad, every time the weathers bad. I'm in a bad mood.

I pushed Billie and I's text messages.


come whenever.


Read at 6:39PM

I was sitting on my floor and I hear a knock on the door, I groan as I get up from sitting on the floor for too long. I can see Billie's outline through my door and I already get happier. I unlocked the door to see Billie already smiling.

Billie: "Shorty!" She picked me up.

Maddie: "Billie!" I said with the same excitement that she had.

Billie: "Awwww, look at you. You look cute." She was looking at my glasses and then eyes trailed off as she looked down at my lips, she pulled me in and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

Maddie: "You're funny." My voice faded out.

Billie walked in behind me and closed the door, I walk to the kitchen and lean over the island as I eat Cheezits that Kenzie left over here like two weeks ago.

Billie stood on the other side of Island directly in front of me, she looked me up and down and then chuckled to herself quietly.

Billie: "What did you do today?"

Maddie: "I planned an outfit for an event on Saturday and then I tried on three boxes worth of clothes."

Billie: "So you're tired tired."

I nod slowly, but I don't wanna go to bed too early cause I don't wanna fuck up my sleep schedule.

Billie said something but I was distracted by the rain that was falling from the sky.

Billie: "Hello, Maddie." She waved her hand in front of my face.

Maddie: "Hm? Yeah I'm sorry."

Billie: "You're good, but I do have an idea."

Maddie: "Okay?"

Billie: ''So I'm going to say a romantic gesture or whatever, and you're going to tell me how you feel about it.''

Maddie: "Ouh fun sign me up." As I put another cheezit in my mouth.

Billie: "What about like notes?"

Is this bitch serious?

Maddie: "We already do those."

Billie: "Omg! That's our thing!" She got excited.

Maddie: "That's what I said!" I said also getting excited.

Billie: "Okay what about late night adventures? "

Maddie: "Very fun, shit I do those by myself all the time."

Billie: "What do you mean?" 

Maddie: "At least once a week, I leave at like three or something. I don't know, most of the time it doesn't have a desired location. But I almost always end up at this wall or ledge thing?" I looked at her to see if she understands and she nodded "I'll stay there for like forty minutes or sometimes an hour. I don't know, I just go there to get away from everything. I'll take you there one day."

Billie: "No, that's your spot. I don't wanna take that away from you."

Maddie: "Good, I wasn't gonna take you anyways." I laughed.

Billie: "Aww, why?"

Maddie: "If anything does happen with us, I still want to have that spot to me. Cause it won't remind me of you, aka when you're on tour I still want that spot to remain mine."

Billie: "You think there don't you?"

I nod.

Billie: "You think about everything?"

I nodded again but more hesitant.

Billie: "If you could change things?"

I nodded again.

Billie: "I do the same."

Maddie: "What do you mean?"

Billie: "You know that thing behind my bed?"

I nodded.

Billie: "I write everything I feel and think behind there."

Maddie: "When's the last time you wrote back there?"

Billie: "Right before I met you, I haven't written back there recently because my thought are more clear recently."

Man wish I could fucking relate.

Maddie: "Good for you." I'm starting to show my emotions.

Billie: "What if we watched the stars?"

Maddie: "You got ideas don't you?"

Billie: "Anything for the girl I love." She smiled which caused me to smile.

Maddie: "It seems cool, I don't know though."

Billie: "What about kissing in the rain?"



dude im so sorry, i hate cliffhangers like this and i hate to do them to you. at least im consistent so see y'all tomorrow.

okay I have been waiting to post this chapter for sooooo long, finally some dramas happening omg. you guys are literally going to hate me, because little spoiler, i just thought of how maddie's gonna tell billie

thanks ily <3

words: 853 </3

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