Chapter 17

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I sat outside still the morning arrived, I have to clear things with Zach.. He had to know that all this is lie.. I will never think og cheating on him.

I tried to go inside but the guards didn't allowed me, still evening I sat there.. Finally the guard told me that Zach had called me inside.. I smiled, finally He could hear me.

When I entered inside, "Sign it!  He said shoving a paper at me. I glance down at the papers in my hand.


my eyes stink with tears " Zach.." I tired to say but it came out of whisper.

" Just sign the fuckiing papers," He yelled, I jump in fear, " It's a lie Zac" I spoke.

"I don't care..! Sign it, and get lost.. I am disgust with site of your face" His each words cut my heart.

Lifting the pen with my trembling hands, I Sign the papers, as soon as I was done, Zach drag me and threw me out.

It was over.. Endless tears ran down my eyes, I tired to stopped them but they didn't listen to me.. I walked endless to wear the road took me.

I had nothing with me, were should I go.. Stopping at the side of bridge I looked down a the River, Staring at dark water beneath me, I thought of ending my life.

"Bella!" Someone called my name, I looked behind, a car, it was Zach's car, hope built in my heart.

"Bella" Max Zach's bodyguard step out of the car, "Come along" He said covering me with a jacket.. I realized I was shaking with cold.

I didn't know where he was taking me, and I didn't care either, the car stopped near the motel.. "Bella, Ms Rose gave you this," Max gave me a duffle bag.

"I will leave you here, If Sir came to know I helped you he will fired me," He said I nodded at him and got out of the car.

I walked to the motel, I didn't had money with me so I sat in waiting are. Opening the bag there was my bank card, passport and a small diary.

I Opened my passport.. And I new were I was going.

I straight went to airport and bought a ticket to London.

By the time I reached London, I could barely walk, managing to get out of plane, I started to walk but everything started to spin.
And I fainted.

"Hey Ella.. Wake up honey" I heard a familiar voice, but I can't point xactly who it belongs to.

Groaning, It took me quite a lot of struggle to open my eyes, the bright light made me shut my eyes close again.

"Ella?.." I opened my eyes again the green curtains were drawn casting a shadow. I looked at the person before me.. And my lower lip tremble as uncontrollable sobs break from me..

"Shhh.. I got you, don't cry Ella.. I got you honey" Liza My best friend my sister collect my broken self in her arms as she hugged me.

"Liza..!" My voice game hoarse.. "You can't be so reckless when your pregnant Bella" she said.. Sternly, I froze in her arms..

Bella..? " Liza's voice rung in my ears somewhere in distance.. I...
My palm rest on my stomach..

" Pregnant?! " I forced the word out.

" You didn't knew.. Honey you are 2 months pregnant.. "She told me.

" Hey hey..!! Calm down.. Stress is not good for you.. Do you hear me.. Bella! "  she gave me water to drink.

I noticed an IV attached to me." What happened? " I asked.

Liza sigh" You fainted at airport they brought you here.. Thankfully I work here,you fainted due to lack of food and dehydration." she fill me in.

I broken down, she hold me still I was exhausted, taking a discharge from hospital she took me to her apartment.. Where she lived. It was small but warm.

" Are you going to tell me what happened? " She asked, I refused to eat anf just sat staring at nothing.

So I told her everything, it was late by the time I finished, Liza force me to eat and tucked me in bed, she slept beside me.

Next morning I woke up very late, Liza had taken off, and I felt bad for Being a burden on her.

"Actually I have been trying to contact you since a year!" she told me.

"I visited the orphanage, a year ago, at that time Sister Cristina had told me a man came searching you" She told me.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her "He said he was your uncle" she said further.. This new information was too much to handle.

I told Liza that I need time to cope with everything..

One month passed by, I was 3 months pregnant with triplets and I was again admitted into the hospital.. I was suffering from depression..
Besides this I had constant nightmare.. Pani attacks which worsen my health.

"Due you want to loose your children too?" Liza asked, she was angry at me.

"I am scared Liza, what if he finds out and take my childrens away from me"!? I told her.

"Let's move to your birth place," Liza suggested.. At that time it was the only option left.

I informed my uncle about it  and he wad more than happy to know that we were coming, due to olf age he cannot travel.

When we reached he told us that he had been searching for me from past 20 years.. My parents had taken me on vacation to London via ship and that ship had caught fire, very few people were save.

My original name was Jennifer Evans.. But I kept the name Bella just changed my surname.

Liza joined the hospital in the town, whereas I worked at the real estate firm after giving birth.

Uncle never married so all his wealth along with my parents was left for me, which took care of all the expenses.

Although I was living happily, but the nightmare, and panic attacks were still there.

My whole world revolved around my kids, I always dream what life could have been if Zach and I were still married.

My uncle also died after 3 years, it was yet another shock, which had lead me again into depression.. If not for Liza I could have ended my life by now.

It was difficult to handle 3 kids, a
Work I remember crying in my room, when I felt I had failed as mother.
There was this constant fear of loosing them..


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