Chapter 27

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6 months later........

"What are you doing??!! We are going to be late!" I was so much tired of this men's in my house.

"Relax honey, we still have time. Beside our boys should look their best today" Zach hold my hand as he sat down.

Today was my Boys graduation day.. I felt tears pearking my eyes, they were so small just yesterday and now they have graduated high school.

"Bella!" Zach said sternly.

"We are ready" Came a chour of voice,the tears early ran freely as I saw them in tux.

They are so beautiful!" I whisper.

" Yes they are just Like you" Zach kissed my head.

"Mom dad let's go we are getting let!" Noah said loudly.

I rolled my eyes at him, he took all the time to get ready.

Before Zach could wheel me out they stopped and crouch down on their knees.

"Don't Cry mumma, this was your dream day right!" Kyle said I smiled between my tears.

"They are happy tears!" I told them They kissed me.

I was on wheelchair, Zach had turned the house into mini hospital for every kind of emergency.

Since walking making my breath raise I was warned to stay in wheelchair or in bed most of the time.

As the day passed I could see Zach dying each day with my worries And I hate to do this to him, but he never let it show.

I just pray to God that this time make it happily ever after.

As they announced my boy's name one by one I had never felt so much proud.
My tears kept on flowing all the time.

After Gruadtion ceremony boy's went to party while zach and me came home.

"You look like a snow ball" Zach said entering our room." He put down the tray of juice.

"Yes 7 months pregnant snow ball" I said glaring at him.

"You are beautiful my Bella" He said kissing my hand.


Days passed by quickly and in no time I was due for delivery any minute. Boy's had joined college in New york , Zach had already informed them and they were coming back.

"I think its time, Mrs Renaldo are you ready?" Doctor asked after checking me.



In short period of time everything has changed. Looking at Dad our tension raised tenfold. He looked pale any minute now and he would pass out due to tension.

Its been more than 2 hours mom been shifted to ER. Suddenly mom's lungs had stopped operating which further complicated her health.

The door to ER opened. Doctor came out following her was a nurse.

"Congratulations Mr Renaldo, Its a baby Girl she is health and perfect" He told us.

Nurse came forward and pressed a small baby wrapped in lavender color cloth into my dads hand.

Noah and Ryan we all gather around him.

"Bella?" My dad asked. The doctor sigh.

"We can't say clearly anything now, Mrs Bella went into shock during the birth we are currently montering her health.
As of now her breathing is normal but when she will come back from coma that is uncertain." He explains.

Dad suddenly stumbled back, Noah was quick to hold him and I took the baby from his hand.

Ryan and Noah made dad sit on the bench,he was in shock all the color had drained from his face.

I looked down as a small figure stire into my arms. A soft cry broke from her mouth making my heart ache.

"Hi" I whisper to her, hearing my voice she staire at me, her big brown eyes wide.

I walked to dad " Dad, nothing will happen to Mom she has to come back to us ,so lets hope ok" Dad broke into cries
He extended his hand and I place the baby into his arms.

A small smile came on his lips as he stare at her " My little bella" He said,indeed she looked exactly like mom.

"Hope!" He said and we loved the name he gave her.

"Hope Ayla Renaldo" He said
Our little Hope stare at us with wide ,probably wondering who we are.


It's been 3 days mom was still in coma,dad was loosing it as hours pass by.
But thankfully we had our little Hope who consume most of our time.

She was precious to us, and it came naturally that we were extra protected towards her.

"Tomatoe?" Noah said,making Ryan glare at him.

" Why are you naming our baby sister after vegetables?" He asked annoyed.

"I am not, she just looks like Tomatoe,look at her all red" He said staring at her.

"She is red because she cried" Ryan told him. "Who the fuck made her cry?!" Noah yelled angrily.

"Language Noah" We both yelled at her.
Our voice made Hope cry making us stop.

Ryan rock her back and fourth..

Door to the room opened suddenly and we saw dad's happy face " Your mom is awake,she want to meet her childrens" He said grinning ear to ear.


8 year's later

Hope squeals as Noah chase after her into garden we had all came to our house 2 day's ago from Christmas holidays it's like a family thing we do everything year.

Everything is going great,and by the way  Noah is engaged to April aunt Liza's daughter.

As soon as we completed MBA.Me,Noah and Ryan handle the business as dad had taken retirement.

Mom and dad still act as if they are in their 20 offcourse we had to handle thier PDA.

Ryan is still matain his playboy image.

As for me, I am still searching love of my life.

Hope is now 8 years old and I could say that she is spoiled by every one,she has ever one wrapped around her pinky finger.

"Ky me! She said running towards me and I picked her up in my arms.

Looking back at everything made me realize that everyone has a happy ending,some find it sooner while some has to wait patiently,but happy ending does exist. So if you have not find your happy ending yet all you can do is keep going still you reach there.


Hi guys

Actually its a bye
Long lost love has finally came to an end.

I know I took a long time to write the final chapter but final i pen it down.

Hope you enjoyed it

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And also if you want to suggest any story line which you would like me to write you can message me.

Thank you so much for loving this story. 😍

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