Hey beautiful

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"Hey, beautiful," he said with a gentle smile on his handsome face.

I smiled brightly back at him, feeling butterflies in my stomach at the sight of him.
"Hi!" I chirped.

He laughed softly and continued down the hallway to meet his group of friends.

Now, I know you're all wondering who the handsome guy is and more importantly,  who the hell am I? Well, let me introduce myself.

My name is Stella Rhodes and I'm 17. My parents are from the Caribbean. A small island nation called Trinidad and Tobago. They moved here when my older sister was born. I'm an Indian girl with long, curly, dark brown hair. I have dark brown eyes and well, I'm overweight.  No, I'm not thick or thicc or curvy in the traditional sense. I have big boobs, a flat ass, a slight (but not very defined) hourglass figure, and a belly. I have rolls and stretch marks, big arms and thick thighs.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm ugly. I like to think that I have a nice smile, nice hair and my face is okay looking. I just know and accept that I don't fit society's conventional beauty standards.

However, one boy has never made me feel anything less than beautiful.
His name is Axel Mcknight.

And no, he's not my boyfriend, he's not even a close friend of mine. We're in different friend groups that hang out very occasionally.
He's not your typical mean, bad boy or player. He's funny, kind and really handsome.

He's mixed with black and white, really tall, has beautiful green eyes, tan skin and dark curls. His body is lean, almost like a swimmer's body. Not too thin and not too buff. And his smile, don't get me started on his smile. He's absolutely stunning.

But he's also a huge flirt. He isn't afraid to tell a girl that she looks pretty or cute. It doesn't necessarily mean that he likes you. He's just being his charming, playful self.

"Ugh, you're so in love with him," said Serafina in a disgusted voice.

Meet Serafina Jones, she's my best friend, my partner in crime, my person, but mainly.......she's a huge pain in my ass.

"I am not," I grunt. "Axel is just my friend."

She rolls her eyes, " Yeah right, you can't tell me that you don't feel like dry humping him like a male dog in heat whenever you see his sexy face"

I gasp and look around, hoping there weren't any eavesdroppers. When I'm satisfied, I lean in and whisper, " First of all, male dogs do not go into heat," She shrugs her shoulders uncaringly.

" Second of all, I do not! I don't like him, we're just friends. Acquaintances actually. It doesn't matter anyway, he's never going to like a girl my size," I add while gesturing to my overweight body.

Before I could I realize my mistake and cover my head, Serafina had already proceeded to tip-toe and slap me on the back of my head.
She hates when I talk about myself negatively and never fails to physically remind me of that.

She glares at me and says," Axel may be a flirt, but he's not a liar. You're absolutely beautiful and he knows it."

Still rubbing my head, I pout and say," okay okay, geesh. That really hurt you know."

" Man up dude, that was barely a tap," she replies disapprovingly and begins to walk to class.

I catch up to her and grumble, " Abusive bitch."

" Shut up, you love me. Not as much as Axel though," she snickers, with her shoulders shaking violently.

I stare at her blankly then casually place my hand on her head and push her to the side.

She's caught off guard, loses her balance and falls onto one of the lockers with a loud bang. The other students in the hall all fall silent to look at her.

The horrified look on her face and her overall clumsiness cause me to bend over, howling in laughter. My laughter triggers a chain reaction and soon everyone in the hall is laughing.

"Hey, it's not funny! I could have hit my head and died!" She calls dramatically after me, running to catch up as I walk away, still chuckling to myself.

" Oh man up, it was barely a tap," I repeat her earlier words with a smirk on my face.

At lunchtime, Serafina and I are headed to the cafeteria when we see Axel and his best friend Jeremiah goofing around in the hall.

Jeremiah was a pretty cute guy but unlike his friend, he was a party animal and player.

"What's up ladies?" calls Jeremiah as they notice us walking toward them.

We go up to them and I feel Axel's gaze on me. When I look up at him he gives me a wide Cheshire grin, knowing I'd return the favor, and as per usual, I do.

I lift my face up toward him and smile so wide that my cheeks meet my eyes and I can't see a thing.

It hurts my cheeks but it's worth it because it causes him to duck his head and chuckle softly. It's a small action that causes my heart to beat just a little faster.

A cough from Jeremiah interrupts the moment between Axel and me, causing me to blush.
" So, I'm having a party tonight at my house and I expect to see you two there. Feel free to bring friends, the more the merrier," says Jeremiah.

" Sure, I'm down," says Serafina. Jeremiah fist pumps, bringing out a small giggle from us both.
Serafina always had a little crush on Jeremiah so I know that even though she was playing it cool, she was really happy that he invited us to his party.

Axel looks down at me, waiting for a response.

" I have to ask my parents but I think I can make it," I say cheerfully, already getting excited at the thought of a party.

I may be a big girl, but that doesn't mean I don't like to dress up and go out. I'm not very outgoing but I like to have a good time.

Axel smirks and says," Awesome! We'll see you guys there."

As we continue on our trip to the cafeteria, Serafina nudges me with her elbow and whispers excitedly, " Can't wait."

Neither can I. This is gonna be a good party.
I can feel it.

Thanks for reading everyone! Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to comment your thoughts and click the little star at the bottom of the screen if you liked this chapter.
See you next time.

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