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After Serafina shut everyone up, I was finally able to pay attention to the game.

Serafina and Matt had filled me in on most of the details and rules, so I could understand the basics of the game.

It was exciting and thrilling, but I couldn't help but cringe every time someone was tackled.

Axel and Jeremiah were playing so well.
I was amazed at how fast they were and how swiftly they were able to weave through the opposing team and catch the ball.
It was really something.

After the game, everyone was pumped. We won! Axel was the man of the match, as expected and we were walking down the bleachers to congratulate them.

I was so proud of him. He was so amazing.
I couldn't have been more happy to be wearing his shirt.

"There they are, " Matt says, pointing behind me.

I spin around quickly, my heart racing with excitement.

I grin widely when I spot him, waiting to congratulate him. He sees me and smiles, walking faster than before. As he makes his way to us, people congratulate him and pat him on the back, but he never takes his eyes off me.

He's about 15 feet away from us when a cheerleader jumps on him and wraps her arms and legs around him and places a kiss on his lips.
My friends behind me gasp and I can immediately feel their eyes on me, gauging my reaction.

My heart stops and the grin falls from my face. My hands clench into fists and I grit my teeth, waiting for Axel to react.

He pushes her away almost instantaneously and wipes his mouth in disgust. He starts to tell her off, his hands waving madly and his face turning red. He then stops short and looks up at me, his hard eyes softening and his lips tip downward, into a frown.

I smile weakly and wave, my earlier excitement long gone. I know it wasn't his fault, but it still hurt to watch.

He continues walking to me, ignoring and pushing past the cheerleader as she tries to defend herself.

He stops in front of me, drops his helmet on the ground and places his hands on my cheeks, tilting my head up.

" Congratulations, " I whisper softly, smiling gently at him, letting him know I wasn't upset with him.

I had no right to be upset anyway, he pushed her away and well...we weren't together.

He frowns at me, " I'm sorry, " he says while running his thumbs across my cheeks.

I look up at him and see that he's exhausted. His cheeks are flushed, his hair is drenched with sweat and yet, he still manages to be incredibly handsome.

I tiptoe and hug him around the neck, he wraps his arms around my waist, giving me a squeeze.

" It's okay. "
And it was. The fact that he apologized because he knew I was hurt, even though he did nothing wrong, made me feel better.

The earlier feelings of excitement come rushing back as I remember his performance and I rush out, "You were amazing out there and I'm so glad I got to see you play! I'm so proud of you babe!"

Woah. Where did that come from?

He leans back to look at me, a huge smirk growing on his face, " Babe?"

I blush and look away, my arms coming down to my sides, " just slipped out."

He pulls me closer, rubbing his nose on my cheek softly as he hums, "Hmm, I like it."

He gives me a soft kiss on the cheek before pulling away completely, leaving me a blushing mess.

He smirks at me before he leaves to greet everyone else.

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