He's with me

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Oh boy. I can't dance with a boy. Let alone AXEL. I can barely dance on my own. And by 'barely dance' I mean all I do is move my waist in circles. I'm almost positive I look like a giant panda trying to hula-hoop.

" Umm, can we go find Serafina and Zoey first?" I say nervously. I need my bitches.

He agrees and we move downstairs to look for them.

I spot them in the mob of sweaty bodies. I see Serafina bent over and jiggling her ass like no tomorrow while Zoey is....oop.

My girl is dancing with MATT!  YASSSS!!  GET IT!
I excitedly wiggle my way through the crowd toward them, with Axel in tow.

When I reach Serafina she hugs me excitedly and shouts over the music, " Did you get the D?!"

I pinch her waist and respond," NO!  And I hate you guys for leaving me!"

"You love us!" she kisses my cheek before going back to dancing.

I decide not to give Zoey too much attention as i know she will become shy and stop dancing with Matt. So i turn around and look at Axel.  My heart stops.

There's a girl dancing all over him.

I'm about to leave the dancefloor when I see him lightly push her away in what looks like disgust. The girl persists like a leech and puts her arms around his neck. 

My anger and jealously fuels me to go up to him and grab his hand. I pull him toward me, out of her grasp and put his arms around me.  The girl looks shocked and sad like someone stole her favorite toy. 

I smile sweetly and say," He's with me, sweetie."

His arms tighten around my waist at that.

She sulks off and he spins me around to face him.

"Is that so?" he says with a smirk, while gently rubbing circles on my waist.

I suddenly become shy. " Well it looked like you needed saving so I came to your rescue. Unless you didn't. Did I misinterpret that? Shit, I'm sorry. I'll go get her," I ramble on then move out of his grasp.

He laughs and pulls me back to him.

He leans down and says in my ear," Relax gorgeous. I don't want to dance with anyone but you. You can come to my rescue anytime you want." He emphasizes his words with a light squeeze of my waist.

As much as I'm insecure about my rolls and fat, I ignore it. I'm not going to give my insecurities power over me and I'm certainly not going to let them ruin this moment. 

So when he asks me to dance again. I say yes.

I put my arms around his neck and he keeps him on my waist. We begin to sway to the beat of the music.  It's not the kind of dancing most guys and girls do, but it's the most I can manage at the moment with all these nerves. He doesn't seem to mind.

He pulls me close and rests his forehead on mine. I look up into his beautiful green eyes and smile shyly. He smiles back and tucks my hair behind my ear. That smile calms me down completely. 

I'm just getting comfortable with him when suddenly one of his friends drags him away to help them break up a fight. He looks irritated but promises to be right back.

Serafina pulls me to dance and I laugh. A few minutes pass and Zoey joins us. We start dancing and acting like fools. I'm having a great time and feel completely loose and relaxed. 

Then suddenly, I hear one of my favorite reggae songs, Wineslow by Gyptian.

If you don't listen to soca and reggae, you are missing out. It's amazing! I introduced Serafina and Zoey to it and they are obsessed.

We squeal in delight and start I wining slowly.  I'm not the best dancer but when i hear this song, I can't help it. It's the Caribbean girl in me dying to come out.

I move my waist in small circles to the beat of the song,  We're just enjoying ourselves and not giving a damn about anyone else. 

My hands are in my hair and I'm swinging my hips from side to side, completely carefree when suddenly I feel eyes on me.

I look around the room curiously, feeling less confident at the thought of someone watching my horrid dancing. I start to think I was just imagining it when I spot a familiar figure leaning against the wall.

His gaze burns into me and I suddenly feel hot all over. My palms begin to sweat at my heart-rate quickens as he stares at me hungrily.  Damn. 

He saunters over to me with his hands in his pockets. He then grabs my hips and leans down and whispers into my ear," You're fucking incredible you know that? I can't get enough of you. So sexy."He emphasizes the 'sexy' part with a squeeze of my behind.

I gasp softly at his vulgar language and inappropriate touching.  I slap him on his chest and chastise him," Don't do that!" My heart races at his compliment. No one has ever said that about me before and I'm not sure how to respond, so I ignore it.

He laughs and asks," Why not?"

"We're in public!"I say while looking around at the drunk teenagers surrounding us.

"Oh so I can do it when we're not public?"he responds with a smirk on his face.

I look at him in shock and begin to stutter, "What? No..I didn't-" he cuts me off with a laugh.

"Relax Gorgeous, I'm just messing with you. Although, I can't promise to keep my hands to myself," he responds while cheekily resting his hands on my bum.

I slap his hand away once more, blushing furiously.

"Ughh, you're impossible," I grunt.

" Awww you love it," he says while hugging me to his chest.

I do. I really do.

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