As if

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I'm leaning up against Axel with my head resting against his chest but my attention is directed towards Serafina who, as usual, was talking up a storm. 

His arm is wrapped around my shoulder and he entertains himself by playing with my hair and drawing light circles on my thigh. He rests his chin on top of my head, sniffing it every once in a while. 

I smile at his weirdness before tilting my head back and look up at him, "you okay?"

 He looks down at me and tucks my hair behind my ear, "yea, I'm good. Are you?" 

"I'm great but I'm sorry that you're so bored," I whisper.

 He denies it by shaking his head, I scrunch up my nose and shake my head at him teasingly, mocking him slightly and indicating that I don't believe him for a second.

 He laughs and pecks my nose,"I'm not. You know I just like being with you."

I look at him disbelievingly and he continues," I like listening to you talk and laugh with your friends. It's a different side of you." I smile up at him and kiss his chest affectionately.

He's amazing,  I want to kiss him so badly now. 

"Hey, lovebirds!" Serafina interrupts," I'm telling a story here."

Axel sighs and I roll my eyes before turning my attention to her.

"You were saying?"I prompt.

"Right, so then I told the bitch that I wasn't going to do it. And she had the AUDACITY to tell me to get out. Like, who does she think she is?"

"Uhh..your boss?"I say.

"Pssshh, not anymore."

"So you didn't quit, you were fired." Zoey asks.

"No! I quit," she insists.

"No, I'm pretty sure you were fired," I reply, causing Axel and Zoey nod there heads in unison.

"Oh, whatever! I'm telling people I quit and if you lot say any different, I'll beat the shit out of you."

"As if you could even-" I begin to say but quickly stop myself, realising my mistake.

Zoey immediately perks up and grins evilly.

"Stella!" Serafina immediately groans, flopping back on to the bed.

"I'm sorry!" 

"What is it?" Axel asks, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

I sigh,"Just wait for it."

Almost immediately, Zoey hops up to stand on the bed and begins to dramatically renact the scene from Twilight.

"As if I would need any of that,"she says recites, hopping off the bed.

Serafina groans as if in physical pain and I faintly hear Axel whisper, "What the..." 

"As if you could outrun me!"

She bolts over to the other side of the room and picks up a pillow.

" As if you could fight me off,"she continues before launching the pillow at Axel and I. I can't help but let out a laugh at her weirdness.

"I'm designed to kill," she concludes before jumping onto Serafina and pretending to drink her blood.

Serafina shrieks and struggles to push her off while Axel and I fall into a fit of laughter.

Serafina finally manages to push Zoey off and immediately leaves the room.

"Where are you going?" Zoey asks.

"Away from you fucking weirdos!" Serafina shouts in response.

Zoey smirks at me before hopping of the bed and singing," You know you love me."

She runs after Serafina and slams the door behind her, leaving Axel and I alone.


Axel chuckles softly, " You think after over a month of being together, I would be used to their craz-"

I cut him off by hopping up onto my knees and kissing him hard and fast. 

He's shocked at first but quickly kisses me back, immediately putting his hands on my hips and pulling me against his chest.

 I straddle him and continue kissing him passionately, trying to convey just how I felt about him. I run my fingers up his neck and into his hair.

He groans when I tug on his hair and his hands travel down to my butt, squeezing gently. I let out a soft moan and push myself closer to him.

 Suddenly, I hear voices coming closer and quickly move back to his side and lean into him, breathing heavily.

 I look up at Axel and I'm amazed at the sight. 

He's flustered. His cheeks are flushed, his hair is a mess and he's breathing heavily.  

I place my hand on his chest, only to find his heart racing. 

I did that to him. 

I blush at the thought and smile up at him.

He looks down at me and smirks," Damn, baby. What was-"

He's cut off by Serafina and Zoey slamming the door open and shouting," Use protection!"

I look at them weirdly and Axel mutters," The fuck?"

They slump in disappointment when they see us staring at them in utter confusion before muttering to themselves, "Damn it!"

"I thought you said they would be getting it on," Zoey says to Serafina.

"Well, yeah I thought so. I mean, did you see the way she was looking at him earlier? Bitch was ready to jump his bones right then and there."

I gasp, blood rushing to my cheeks," Serafina!"

"What? You were!"

Axel smirks down at me," Ready to jump my bones huh?" 

"Oh shush," I retort.

He leans down to whisper into my ear, " You're welcome to continue what you started when we leave."

He blows softly on my ear, sending  shivers down my spine before pressing a gentle kiss on it.

I glare at him and scoot away from him, trying not to show the effect he has on me, "You wish."

He lets out a low chuckle and uses his arm that is wrapped around my waist to pull me towards him so that I am once again pressed against his side.

"As if," he replies teasingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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