Facing the Music

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"Just smile and wave guys, smile and wave," I mumble under my breath.

"This is not Penguins of Madagascar dude, let's duck and run. I repeat, duck and run!" Ben whispers in my ear fiercely.

"They've already seen us, Ben! They would just think we're avoiding them, "I respond.

"Avoiding who?"

We all jump and look up to see that the boys had come over and were staring at us expectantly. I completely avoid looking at Axel and stare at my shoes. I could really use an invisibility cloak right now.

"Well? Who are you avoiding?" Matt asks, making us realize we hadn't given them an answer.

We all look at each other as we struggle to come up with a lie before Serafina groans and says, " You. They were trying to avoid you guys."


"What? They were gonna figure it out anyway. You, three idiots, can't lie for shit. Especially you Stella, you're an open book."

I blush and look away, knowing she was right. I never was good at hiding my emotions or thoughts. My face just didn't cooperate at all and I could never keep my own secrets. I always had to confide in someone.

" What? Why? What did I do?" Matt asks while looking at Zoey.

"Nothing, nothing, " Zoey rushes out, "I'm not avoiding you. Ben and Stella are avoiding Jeremiah and Axel."

"Seriously Zoey?!"

"Geez, where's the loyalty?"

"Just throw us under the bus why don't you?"

She winces before apologizing.

"You know Stella, I think we need new friends, "Ben says.

"I think you're right, let's go look for some, " I reply before extending my arm, "Shall we?"

He loops his arm around mine, " We shall."

We turn around and go in the opposite direction of the boys.
I think we're in the clear when suddenly, I feel my backpack being tugged and I'm sent flying backward into strong arms.

" Not so fast you two, we need to talk, " Jeremiah says.

I look across to see Jeremiah has Ben by the back of his collar. Ben slaps his hands away and says, " Stop that you baboon! You're gonna stretch it out."

I then look up and immediately freeze. Intense green eyes stare back at me, framed by furrowed eyebrows. His soul-searching stare makes me nervous. He's looking for something, trying to figure out what I'm thinking.

I swallow nervously, attempting to hide my emotions. Hoping that he won't see my anxiety, my confusion but most of all, my fear.

Fear of attention.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear of the way he makes me feel.
Fear of getting my heart broken.

I look across to Ben and Jeremiah, only to find that they've left us alone. Sigh, it's just the two of us now. Looks like we're skipping the first period.

"Hi, " I break the silence.

"Hey gorgeous, " he murmurs with a slight frown on his face, his arms still wrapped around me.

"Hi, " I repeat, like an idiot.

He smiles slightly before sobering up once more.

"Why were you trying to avoid me?"

"Wow straight to the point huh. No 'how are you' or ' sleep well?'" I say, trying to stall.

" Stella."

I frown, " Ok, ok. Did you see the video?"

" The one of us dancing? What's wrong with it?"

"Everyone is talking about it! They're all looking at me, judging me and they think that something is going on between us. I don't like the attention. I hate it." I confess.

" Isn't there?" He replies with a frown.

" Isn't there what?"I ask stupidly.

"Isn't there something going on between us? " he asks in a frustrated tone.

"What? I..well I...I don't know, " I stutter, feeling my heart rate speed up in fear.

He frowns and steps back, his arms falling to his sides.


What does she mean she doesn't know?

I thought after last night she would know how I felt about her. Maybe she does and just doesn't feel the same.

Maybe she doesn't trust me. I wouldn't blame her, I had a reputation before I met her. But this is different, I only want her. Only her.

God, why can't she just tell me what she's thinking?

Maybe I'm moving too fast. After all, I had never acted on my emotions before last night.

 "Okay, then let me make this very clear Gorgeous," I say as I walk toward her. She walks backward trying to keep some distance between us, but I persist until her back is pressed against the lockers. I lean forward until I'm a breath away from her cheeks. I breathe in her sweet, intoxicating smell; it's a mixture of lavender and coconut. 

I move her hair from her shoulder, softly grazing her neck. I hear her breath hitch and smile softly, loving the effect I have on her. She wants this too, whether she knows it yet or not. 

I lean toward her ear and whisper softly," I want you."

She gasps softly, shock and confusion filling her doe-like brown eyes.

I move my arms to her waist and pull her up against me before burying my face in her neck, unable to help myself. She rests her hands on my shoulders gently and I smile against her skin, she's not fighting me.

" I want you and I'm going to have you. But take your time beautiful. It doesn't matter how long it takes, you will be mine." I finish with a chaste kiss on her neck before pulling away and walking down the hallway.

I had to leave her there or I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from kissing her.

God, what is she doing to me?

She had a scary effect on me, but I loved it.


What. The. Heckamabob. Was. That?!

I want you

I'm still pressed against the lockers as those words echo in my mind.

He wants me? What does that mean?

Does he want me as a girlfriend? A fuck-buddy? A PET?!

But why me? What's so special about me?

I couldn't think straight. He was so close to me and he was so irresistible. His smell, his touch, his eyes, his body, his smile. Everything about him was irresistible.

God, what is he doing to me?

Author's Note
Ouhh things are getting intense!
I know this chapter was kind of short but I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out what happened with Ben and Jeremiah.

Don't forget to comment your thoughts and vkte down below.
Till next time xoxo

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