Axel's POV

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I can remember the first time I saw her like it was just yesterday. 

I was in the cafeteria with my friends, just goofing around and being idiots as usual. Then I heard loud, obnoxious laughter from across the room. I looked up and there she was. She seemed to be telling a story and her movements were so animated.  She was waving her hands around wildly and making these adorable expressions that had so much attitude.  She had beautiful, long, brown hair that flowed down her back in messy ringlets. 

And her smile. Wow.

It was so pure, genuine and carefree. And beautiful. God was it beautiful. She was beautiful. I couldn't look away even if I wanted to.

I knew that her smile could be the thing that destroys me. One flash of those pearly whites framed by soft, pink lips and I'd do anything for her.  I was entranced. And I didn't mind it one bit.

The first time we met was in the schoolyard. Serafina and Jeremiah were already friends and when she befriended the plump beauty, it was only a matter of time before she was introduced to us.

Serafina came barreling toward us cheerfully with the girl in tow. She was so shy and timid, looking anywhere but at us.  She was on the bigger side, but that didn't bother me whatsoever. Real men could handle curves, they weren't intimidated by it. 

When Serafina introduced her as Stella, I thought, 'How fitting.' Stella means 'star' and she certainly was as radiant as a star.

 She gave a small smile and softly said," Hi."

Before I could help myself,  I responded, " Hey, beautiful." 

Crap! She was going to think I was a complete flirt.

I mean I was, usually. I knew I had a way with words and wasn't afraid to compliment girls for their attention. Not that I had to. My looks got their attention just as easily. But there was something about this girl. I didn't just want her attention. I craved it. I wanted her eyes on me and only me.

So when she blushed and smiled softly, I made it my mission to get that reaction out of her every day. As often as I could. 

Matt, Jeremiah, and Harry quickly caught on to what I was doing. I had never paid one girl so much attention and they knew that. They supported me completely as they had grown to like her a lot. It was impossible not to. 

She was sweet, kind and adorable. But she could also be weird, sassy and feisty around her close friends. 

I would tease her and trouble her whenever I got the chance, to bring out that sassy side of her. But I never made a move. Not once. I didn't want to scare her off or make her feel like she was just another hook up of mine. I also wanted her to open up to me. To be more comfortable around me.

However, it was taking a lot longer than I thought. She was comfortable with other guys and she was absolutely obsessed with Ben. But for some reason, she was always just a little closed off around me. I didn't know if to take it as a compliment or worry that I intimidated her. 

Either way, I was done waiting around.

Senior year was coming around and I was determined to make her mine.

When she arrived at the party, I was blown away. I had always thought of her as pretty, cute, beautiful or gorgeous. But tonight, she was sexy. Stunning actually. I had never seen her dress this way before. She walked with so much confidence and held her head up high. She knew she looked good.

 I couldn't keep my eyes off her.  

And I knew that every other guy at that party felt the same, which is why I wasn't leaving her side. I wanted everyone to know that she was mine.  Mine.

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